About The Abbreviation Or Acronym PMS

What does PMS mean? Discover the definition of the acronym or abbreviation PMS at the RealDictionary.com.

PMS Definition |
What's The Definition Of PMS?The definition of PMS is: Pacemakers Packet Memory System Pacoima Middle School Paint Mixing System Pajaro Middle School Pala Middle School Palm Middle School Palms Middle School Palomares Middle School Pantone Matching System Papillary muscles Para Meadows School Paramethylstyrene Park Middle School Parked Motorcycle Syndrome Parkman Middle School Parkview Middle School Parkway Middle School Parras Middle School Partial hydatidiform moles Partial moles Particle Measurement Systems, Inc. Particle measuring system Particle Measuring Systems Particle Measuring Systems, Inc. Password Management System Patient management system Paulding Middle School Pavement Management System Payload Management Subsystem Payload Mounting Structure Payment Management System Payment Management Systems Payments Management System Peabody Middle School Peary Middle School Pedestal Mounted Stinger Peirce Middle School Pelham Middle School Peninsula Medical School Pensioner Medical Service Performance Managememt System Performance Management Specialist Performance Management System Performance Management Systems Performance Measurement System Performance Measures Performance Measuring System Performance Monitoring System Performance Monitors Periodic movements during sleep Periodic movements in sleep Periodic movements of sleep Peripheral Maintenance System Peripheral Modules Peritoneal macrophages Peritrophic membranes Permanent Measurement System Permitted Maximum Signal Perry Monroe Shoemaker Pershing Middle School Personal Mailing System Personal Medical Services Personnel Management Specialist Personnel Management System Personnel Manual for Supervisors PERTH MODERN SCHOOL Peterson Middle School Phenazine methosulfate Phenazine methosulphate Philippine Meteorological Society Phrenic motoneurons Physical and Mathematical Sciences Physical Media Specific Physical Medium Specific Physical Mental Spiritual Physical Metallurgy Section Physical mixtures Physiological Monitoring System Picturephone Meeting Service Piedmont Middle School Pinacate Middle School Pioneer Middle School Pipeline Management System Pipeline Management System Project Management System Piute Middle School Planar Magnetron Sputtering Planemaster Services Planned Maintenance Schedule Planned Maintenance System Planned Maintenance Systems Planning and Management Staff Plant Monitor System Plant monitoring system Plasma membranes Plasmepsins Platform Management System Pleasanton Middle School Please make snacks POLAR METEOROLOGICAL SATELLITE Polar Meteoroological Satellite Policy Management System POLICY MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS CORP. Pollicita Middle School Pollution Monitoring Satellite Polydactyly-myopia syndrome Polysciences Multiple Stain Pomolita Middle School Poor Me Syndrome Poor metabolisers Poor metabolizers Portable meteorological subsystem Portable monitoring set Portales Municipal Schools Porter Middle School Portfolio Management System Portola Middle School Position Management Sysytem Post-marketing surveillance Post-menopausal syndrome Posterior middle suprasylvian Postmeiotic segregation Postmitochondrial supernatant Pour More Scotch Poverty Monitoring System POWER MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE Power Management System Practice Management System Pravastatin Multinational Study Pre Medallion Syndrome Pre Meeting Syndrome Pre Menstrual Stress Pre-main sequence Pre-Match Stress Pre-menstrual syndrome Precision Mensuration Software Prediction models Pregnant mare serum Pregnant mare serum gonadotropin Pregnant mare's serum Pregnant mare's serum gonadotrophin Pregnant Mare's Serum gonadotropin Premenstrual symptoms Premenstrual Syndrome Premenstrual syndromes Premenstrual tension syndrome Premier Mortgage Service Premier Mortgage Services Presidio Middle School Pretty Much Sucks Preventive Maintenance System Preventive Maintenance Systems Primary makeup system Primus Metatarsus Supinatus Privacy Management Strategy Private Mail System Probable Maximum Storms Probable maximum surge Problem Management System Process and Materials Specification Process monitoring subsystem Processor Management Services Processor Memory Switch Processor, Memory, Switch Processors, Memories and Switches Procurement Management System Product Managers Product Monitoring System Production and Marketing Systems Production Management System Production Managing System Professor of Military Science Profile of Mood States Program Management Specialist Program Management Staff Program management support Program Management System Program manager sea Program Managers Program Manger - Sea Program Master Schedule Programme Management System Progress in Materials Science Progress Momnitoring System Progressive multiple sclerosis Progressively motile spermatozoa Project maintenance system Project Management Service Project Management System Project managers Project Map System Project Master Schedule Prolonged muscle stretch PROMES Propellant Management Subsystem Property Management System Property Management Systems Protected Message Service Protective maintenance system Psammomatous melanotic schwannoma PSCNI Management System Psychotic motor syndrome Public Message Service Public Message System Pulmonary macrophages Pulsed Mass Spectrometer Purchase Material Status Purple membranes Pyrolysis mass spectrometry Python Mail System |
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