About The Abbreviation Or Acronym PMC

Real Dictionary

What does PMC mean? Discover the definition of the acronym or abbreviation PMC at the RealDictionary.com.


PMC Definition
PMC Definition

What's The Definition Of PMC?

The definition of PMC is:

IATA code for El Tepual Airport, Puerto Montt, Chile

Pacific Marine Center

Pacific Microelectronics Centre

Pacific Municipal Consultants

Packet Mode Channel

Pain Management Center

Papillary microcarcinoma

Parallel multiunit circle

Paramyotonia congenita

Parrot Magic Cookie

Part mission capable

Partial Mission Capable

Partially Mission Capable

Particulate Materials Center

Parts Marketing Codes

Passengers, Mails, Cargo

Patient Management Categories

Patient Management Category

Pattern Matching Chip

Payload Management Computer

Payload Module Computer

Payload Monitoring and Control

Payload Monitoring Control

Pci Mezzanine Card

Pectoralis major--clavicular portion

Penningmarknads Centralen

Pennsylvania Military College

Percent modern Carbon

Percutaneous mitral commissurotomy

Percutaneous myocardial channeling

Perfect magnetic conductor

Performance Management Computer

Performance Management Coordinator

Performance Monitor Counter

Performance Monitoring Check

Performance Monitors Committee

Peripheral blood mononuclear cells

Peripheral Component Interconnect Mezzanine Card

Peripheral Message Controller

Peripheral Module Controller

Peripheral mononuclear cells

Peritoneal mast cells

Peritoneal MC

Peritoneal mesothelial cells

Peritubular myoid cells


Permanent Manned Configuration

Permanently Manned Capability

Personal Mobile Communicator

Personnel Management Centre

Pest Management Consultant

Pharmacokinetic modulating chemotherapy

Pharmacokinetic modulation chemotherapy

Phenylmercuric chloride

Philadelphia Military College

Physical medicine clinic

Pine Manor College

Piquniq Management Corporation

Planning and Management Committee

Planning Ministers Council

Pleural mesothelial cell

Pleural mesothelial cells

Pleural mesothelial click

Plutona-Molybdenum Cermet

Plutonia-Molybdenum Cermet

Plutonium-Molybdenum Cermet


Polar Mesospheric Cloud

Polar Mesospheric Clouds

Pollen mother cell

Pollen mother cells

Polyimide Matrix Composites

Polymer matrix composite

Polymer Matrix Composites

Polymer-Matrix Ceramic

Polymer-Metal Composite

Polymer-Modified Cement

Pontine micturition center

Pontine micturition centre

Port Message Channel

Portable Media Center

Post Master's Certificate

Post Ministerial Conference

Post Ministerial Conferences

Postage and Mailing Center

Potato multicystatin

Power Management Capabilities

Power Management Computer

Power Management Control

Power Management Controller

Precise Measurements Co.

Precision-Made Cartridges

Premature mitral closure

Premenstrual changes

Premotor cortex

President of the Messing Committee


Pressure Modulator Cell

Pressure-Modulator Cell

Primary Market Certificate

Primary meningococcal conjunctivitis

Primary mesenchyme cell

Primary mesenchyme cells

Primary Mission Capable

Primary Monitoring Cabinet

Primary Monitoring Console

Primary motor cortex

Primas Courier

Print Management Console

Printed Meter Check

Private Medical Communication

Private Meter Check

Private Military Companies

Private Military Company

Privatized Military Company

Process Management Council

Process module controller

Process Monitoring and Control

Procurement Management Council

Procurement Method Code

Procurement Method Coding

Procurement, Marine Corps

Product Management Council

Program Management and Control

Program Management Center

Program Management Centers

Program Management Committee

Program Management Control

Program Management Council

Program Management Course

Program Marginal Checking

Programmable Machine Controller

Project Management Committee

Project Management Conference

Project Management Consultant

Project Management Consultants

Project Management Corporation

Project Management Council

Project Monitoring and Control

Protective measures coordinator

Proteus mirabilis catalase

Provisional Memory Cover

Pseudo-Machine Code

Pseudomembranöse Kolitis

Pseudomembranous colitis

Public Mobile Carrier

PubMed Central

Pune Municipal Corporation

Purple Mountain Computers

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