About The Abbreviation Or Acronym PM

What does PM mean? Discover the definition of the acronym or abbreviation PM at the RealDictionary.com.

PM Definition |
What's The Definition Of PM?The definition of PM is: After noon Afternoon Bureau of Political-Military Affairs Evening or afternoon Pacemaker Pacemakers Package Monitor Packet Mode Packet Multiplexer Packing Material Pad Manager Palatal myoclonus Palicourea marcgravii Palmetto Montessori Palmgren-Miner Pan masala Panel Meter Paper Machine Paper Mario Paper Mill Papilla mammae Papillary muscle Papillary muscles Papular mucinosis Parachute Mine Parametric Monitor Paramyosin Parent Material Parent Metal Parked Member PARKING MANAGEMENT Paromomycin Partial hydatidiform mole Partial hydatidiform moles Partial mastectomy Partial Melt Partial meniscectomy Partial mole Participant's Manual Particle mass Particle Mechanics Particle monitor Particulate Material Particulate Matter Particulate matter air pollution Particulate matters Party member Passage material Passive Matrix Passive movements Pasteurella multocida Path Monitoring Path Multiplexing Pathological mitoses Pathological myopia Patient management Patient Master Pattern Matching Pavement Material Payload management Payload Manager Payload Midbody Payload Module Payment Management Peacemaking Peak mouth pressure Pearl millet Pebble Mill Pectinate muscle Pectoralis major Pectoralis major muscle Pectoralis muscle Pegasus Mail Penicillium marneffei Pensky-Martens Peptostreptococcus micros Per Month Pere Marquette Pere Marquette Railroad Pere Marquette Railway Perfect match Performance Management Performance Measure Performance Measurement Performance Measures Performance Model Performance Monitor Performance Monitoring Perinatal mortality Periodic maintenance Periodization model Periodontal mechanosensitive Periodontal membrane Peripheral Module Peripheral modules Peripheral monocytes Peripodial membrane Peritoneal macrophage Peritoneal macrophages Peritoneal membrane Peritoneal mesothelioma Peritrophic matrix Peritrophic membrane Peritubular matrix Permanent magnet Permanent Manuals Permanent mark Permanent Material Permanent Memory Permanent Mold Permeability coefficient Permeabilization medium Permethrin Peroneal mononeuropathy Perovskite Manganite Perpendicular Medium Perpetual Motion Person Month Personal Message Personal Mobility Personen-Monat Pesticide Manual Petit mal Petroleos Mexicanos Petroleum Management Petrosaspongiolide M PETTEE MEMORIAL Pewter Metallic Phase Mixture Phase Modulated Phase modulation Phase Monitor Phenol mucilage Phentolamine mesylate Phosphomonoester Phosphoramide mustard Phosphorodiamidic mustard Photo Multiplier Photographic Material Photomultiplier Photosynthetic measurements Physical Measurement Physical Medicine Physical medium Physical Metallurgist Physical Metallurgy Physical Meteorologist Physical Meteorology Physical Metrologist Physical Metrology Physical mixture Physical Modelling Pia Mater Picomolar Picture Mode Piedmontese Pierre and Miquelon Pigeon milk Pilot Monitoring Pilot Motor Pitman-Moore Pittman Moore Place the marker Placental malaria Placer Mine Placer Mining PLAINVILLE MEMORIAL Planetary Mission Planetary Motion Planning Module Plant Maintenance Plant Management Plant miscellaneous Plant Mix Plasma Plasma membrane Plasma membrane fraction Plasma membranes Plasmacytoid monocytes Plasmatic membranes Plasmin Plastic Memory Plastome mutator Plate Platelet membrane Platelet microsome Platform Model Platinum Metal PLATT MEMORIAL Pleural mesothelioma Plugging Meter Plume meander Plus-maze PM=Preventive Maintenance Poincaré Map Point Mugu Point mutation Point mutations Poisonous Material Poker Mountain Polar Motion Polarization Maintaning Polarization Microscope Polarization Microscopy Polarization Modulation Polarization Modulator Polarization-maintaining Polarized multilayer Polarizing Material Polarizing Microscope Polarizing microscopy Police Magistrate Policy manual Policy Memorandum Poliomyelitis Political-Military Political/Military Affairs Polvo Mojable Polygon Mode Polymarker Polymer Morphology Polymeric Material Polymeric micelles Polymethylene Polymorphism Polymyositis Polymyxin Pons-medulla Pony motor Poor metaboliser Poor metabolisers Poor metabolism Poor metabolizer Poor metabolizer phenotype Poor metabolizers POPE MEMORIAL Porfiromycin Porokeratosis Mibelli Porokeratosis of Mibelli Porous Medium Port Moresby Port Multiplier Porton Monitor Positive Medium Post meridian Post meridiem Posterior malleolus Posterior maxillary Posterior mesencephalon Posterior mitral Posteromedial Postmaster Postmenopausal Postmenopausal women Postmeridian Postmortem Potential Motion Poultry manure Poultry meal Pounds per Minute Powder Magnet Powder Metal Powder Metallurgical Powder Metallurgy Powder Method Powdered Medium Power Management Power Metered Power Module Power Monitoring Power Music Practical Midwife Practice Manager Pre-Menstrual Precautionary Measure Precious Metal Precision Measurement Prediction model Predictive Modelling Prednimustine Preisach Model Premenopausal Premium Premotor Premotor area Premotor cortex Premutation Preparative meeting Presence Management Presentation Manager Presentation Modul Presents mainly Pressure Measurement Pressure Melting Pressure multiplier Pressurized Module Presystolic murmur Pretibial myxedema Preventative Maintenance Preventive Maintenance Preventive Medicine Price match Priest Missioner Prikladnaya Mekhanika Primary macroglobulinemia Primary Maintenance Primary malignancy Primary Megaureter Primary melanoma Primary memory Primary mesenchyme Primary Mineral Primary mirror Primary motivation Prime meridian Prime Minister Prime Mover Print Manager Priority Mail Privacy Message Private Mail Private Memory Private Message Private Messaging Priviledged Mode Privileged Mode Probability Mass Problem Management Procedure Manual PROCEDURES MANUAL Process Management Process Manager Process Metallurgist Process Metallurgy Process model Process Modeling Process module Process Monitor Processable Mode Processess and Modeling Processing Machinery Processor Module Processor Motherboard Procurement Management Procurement Manager Procurement Manual Product Management Product Manager Product Managers Product model PRODUCT MONITOR Product/Program/Project Manager Production Management Production Manager Professional Management Professional Manager Profile Manager Profile Manipulation Profit Margin Program Management Program Manager Program Managers Program Memoranda Program Memorandum Program Milestone Program Modules Programming Model Progress Meeting Progressive motility Project Management Project Manager Project Managers Project Measurement Project Mohole Projectile Motion Proliferative myositis Promethazine Promethium Promoter Prony method Property management Prophylactic mastectomy Proportion method Proposed mergers Proposed monitor Proposed monitored Proprietary marking Propulsiom Module Propulsion Module Prospective memory Prostatic massage Protected Mode Protective maintenance Protective measure Protein malnutrition Protein methylesterase Protocol machine Protocol management Protocol Manager Proton Magnetometer Prototype Model Provost Marshal Provost Marshall Psammomatous meningioma Psoas major Psychological Mindedness Pterygoid muscle Pubertal macromastia Pueraria mirifica Pulmonary macrophage Pulmonary macrophages Pulmonary Mechanics Pulmonary metastases Pulmonary metastasis Pulp Machine Pulp Mill Pulsating Mixing Pulse magnetic Pulse Modulated Pulse modulation Pulse Modulator Pump module Pupillary membrane Purchasing Management Purchasing Manager Purchasing Manual Puromycin Purple membrane Purple membranes Purulent meningitis Putzeiko Method Pyloromyotomy Pyogenic meningitis Pyomyositis Pyrene maleimide Pyridoxamine Pyrimethamine Saint Pierre and Miquelon Tropic Air |
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