About The Abbreviation Or Acronym OTR

Real Dictionary

What does OTR mean? Discover the definition of the acronym or abbreviation OTR at the RealDictionary.com.


OTR Definition
OTR Definition

What's The Definition Of OTR?

The definition of OTR is:

Oakland Terminal Railway

Occupational Therapist Registered

Occupational Therapist, Registered

Occupational Therapsit, Registered

Oceanic Transition Route

Oceanic Transition Routes

Ocular tilt reaction

Off The Record

Office of Translational Research

Official Technical Report

Official Test Results

On The Rag

On the road

On Time Reporting

Oncogenic transformation

One touch recording

Operability test report

Operating Time Record

Operational Test Readiness

Operational Trouble Report

Operational Turn Round

Operations Training Record

Operations Trouble Report

Operator Trouble Report

Operator Trouble Reports

Optical Tracking

Optical transition radiation

Optical Transmitter and Receiver

Optimum Time Recording

Organ transplant recipients

Organic Test Reactor

Orient Airlines

OT receptor

OT receptors


Ovarian Tumor Registry

Over-Target Requirement


Oxygen transfer rate

Oxytocin receptor

Oxytocin receptors

Ozone Transport Region

Registered Occupational Therapist

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