About The Abbreviation Or Acronym OSR

What does OSR mean? Discover the definition of the acronym or abbreviation OSR at the RealDictionary.com.

OSR Definition |
What's The Definition Of OSR?The definition of OSR is: IATA code for Ostrava-Mosnov International Airport, Ostrava, Czech Republic Object Sighting Report Object Storage and Retrieval Occupation Survey Report Occupational safety requirements Occupational Survey Report OEM Service Release Office for Scientific Research Office for Sponsored Research Office of School Readiness Office of Science and Research Office of Scientific Research Office of Sponsored Research Office of Standards and Regulations Office of State Revenue Oil Spill Research Oil/Steam Ratio Oilseed rape On site representative On-Site Rep On-site Review Onboard Safety Report Ontario School Record Ontario Southern Railway Ontario Student Record Open Standard Requirement Open surgical repair Open Systems Resources Operand Storage Register Operating safety requirements Operation Statistical Reporting Operation, Service and Repair Operational safety report Operational safety requirement Operational safety requirements Operational Safety Review Operational Scanning Recognition Operational sex ratio Operations Status Review Operations Support Room Operator Services Record Optical Scanning Recognition Optical Services Router Optical Services Routers Optical Signature Report Optical Solar Reflector Optical Solar Reflectors Optical Surface Reflector Oracle Service Registry Order status report Organization of Student Representatives Output Shift Register Output Summary Report Over Sampling Ratio Over-the-Shoulder Rating Overall survival rate Overseas Service Ribbon Owasippe Scout Reservation Oxidative stress response |
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