About The Abbreviation Or Acronym OSM

Real Dictionary

What does OSM mean? Discover the definition of the acronym or abbreviation OSM at the RealDictionary.com.


OSM Definition
OSM Definition

What's The Definition Of OSM?

The definition of OSM is:

Object Status Map

Object System Mapping

Off Screen Model

Off-Screen Model

Office of Sample Management

Office of Spectrum Management

Office of Strategic Management

Office of Surface Mining

Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement

Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcment

Oil-Sands Mining

On Screen Manager

On Screen Menue

On Site Message

On-Screen Manager

On-Screen Menu

On-Site Maintenance

On-site monitor

Oncostatin M

One-Shot Molding

Open Source Matters

Open Source Media

Open Space Movement

Open System Management

Operating System Manual

Operating System Memory

Operating System Monitor

Operating system Service Module

Operating system-Specific Module

Operating-System Service Module

Operational Staffing Model

Operational Status Monitoring

Operations sampling management

Operations Support Manager

Optical Selector Mechanism

Optical Service Module

Optical Storage Manager

Optical Strength Meter

Optical Surveillance Measures

Option Select Mode

Orbit Shaping Maneuver

Orbital Service Module

Orbiter Service Module

Order and Servants of Mary

Order of Servants of Mary

Order of the Servants of Mary

Ordnance Safety Manual

Oregon Steel Mills, Inc.

Organisation Syndicale Mondiale

Organization Structure Manager

Originating State Machine

OS-Specific Module






Osmosis, osmotic


Output Switch Matrix

Overlapping sphere model

Ovine submaxillary mucin

Oxygen saturation meter

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