About The Abbreviation Or Acronym OLR

Real Dictionary

What does OLR mean? Discover the definition of the acronym or abbreviation OLR at the RealDictionary.com.


OLR Definition
OLR Definition

What's The Definition Of OLR?

The definition of OLR is:


Objective Loudness Ratio

Off Load Routes

Off-line Reader

Off-Line Recovery

Office of labor relations

Office of Learning Resources

Office of legislative research

Office of licensing and registration

On Line Reference

On-Line Reconfiguration

On-Line Replacement

On-Line Review

On-Load Refuelling

Online Reconfiguration

Optimum Location Review

Oral lichenoid reactions

Ordinary linear regression

Organic load rate

Organic loading rate

Organic loading rates

Otology, laryngology and rhinology

Our Lady of the Rosary College

Outgoing Longwave Radiance

Outgoing longwave radiation

Overall Loudness Rating

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