About The Abbreviation Or Acronym MSPS

Real Dictionary

What does MSPS mean? Discover the definition of the acronym or abbreviation MSPS at the RealDictionary.com.


MSPS Definition
MSPS Definition

What's The Definition Of MSPS?

The definition of MSPS is:

Major sperm proteins

Major surface proteins

Managed Service Providers

Management Service Providers

Marayong South Public School

Master of Science in Planning Studies

Media Specific Processes

Media Stream Providers

Medicare Savings Programs

Mega Samples Per Second

Mega-Symbols per Second

Michigan Society of Professional Surveyors


Million of Samples Per Second

Millisecond pulsars

Mini spindles

Minnesota Society of Professional Surveyors

Mission Support Plans

Mobilization Station Planning System

Mobilization stationing and planning system

Mobilization Stationing Planning System

Mode Select Panels

Mona Shores Public Schools

Morgan Street Public School

Muswellbrook South Public School

Myocardial stress perfusion scintigraphy

More Acronyms & Abbreviations

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | non-letter

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