About The Abbreviation Or Acronym MPT

Real Dictionary

What does MPT mean? Discover the definition of the acronym or abbreviation MPT at the RealDictionary.com.


MPT Definition
MPT Definition

What's The Definition Of MPT?

The definition of MPT is:

Magnetic particle testing

Main Propulsion Test

Maintenance Panel Trainer

Maintenance Personnel and Training

Male Pipe Thread

Malignant phyllodes tumor

Management Policy Table

Manchester picture test

Manner, Place, Time

Manpower, Personnel and Training

Manpower, Personnel, Training


Marathon performance time

Maryland Public Television

Master of Physical Therapy

Master's in Physical Therapy

Materials Processing Technology

Mathematics Placement Test

Matrix perturbation theory

Matrix Project Team

Maximum Part Time

Maximum phonation time

Mean peak torque

Mean peripheral temperature

Mechanical pain threshold

Mechanical pressure therapy

Membrane permeability transition

Memory Performance Technology

Memory Processing Time

Memory Protocol Translator

Mendeleev Periodic Table

Message Passing Technology

Message Passing Toolkit

Message-Passing Toolkit

Metabolic profile test

Metallurgical Plant and Technology



Methylprednisolone pulse therapy


Michigan Picture Test

Microwave plasma torch

Microwave Product Team

Military Potential Test

Minimum pressure-temperature

Minimum Pressurization Temperature

Ministery of Post and Telecommunications

Ministry of Post and Telecommunication

Ministry of Post and Telecommunications

Ministry of Post and Telegraph

Ministry of Posts and Telecom

Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications

Missile Procedure Trainer

Missile Procedures Trainer

Mission Planning Team

Mission Planning Terminal

Mission Planning Tool

Mission Processing Team

Mitochondrial permeability transition

Mitochondrial permeability transition pore

Mobile pay team

Modern Portfolio Theory

Modular Power Tile



Mortgage Pass through

Mouse protection test

Mouse proximal tubular

MPEG Transport

Multi-Phonon Transition

Multi-Port Transceiver

Multi-Purpose Terminal

Multinomial processing tree

Multiple particle tracking

Multiple PIN Table

Multiple primary tumors

Multiple Pure Tones

Multipoint to Point Tree

Multiport Protocol Tester

MultiPort Transceiver

Mumbai Port Trust

Munich Personality Test

Municipal Partners Fund II, Inc.

Muscle provocation test

Mutant pertussis toxin

Mycobacterium paratuberculosis

More Acronyms & Abbreviations

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | non-letter

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