About The Abbreviation Or Acronym MPP

Real Dictionary

What does MPP mean? Discover the definition of the acronym or abbreviation MPP at the RealDictionary.com.


MPP Definition
MPP Definition

What's The Definition Of MPP?

The definition of MPP is:

Método de pronóstico perfecto

Macro Planning Process

Maintainability Programme Plan

Maintenance Plan Program

Male-limited precocious puberty

Managed premium plan

Management Publication Proposal

Manufacturing Process Plan

Manufacturing Process Procedure

Marginal Physical Product

Marked Point Process

Market Participant Portal

Market Place Practice

Market Promotion Program

Massive Parallel Processing

Massive Parallel Processor

Massive periretinal proliferation

Massive peritoneal proliferation

Massively Parallel Platform

Massively Parallel Processing

Massively Parallel Processor

Massively parallel processors

Master in Public Policy

Master of Public Policy

Master Patch Panel

Master Production Plan

Master project plan

Material Processing Platform

Material Processing Procedure

Materials Processing Procedure

Materials, processes and parts

Matrix processing peptidase

Medial perforant path

Medical personnel pool

Medical Technology Systems, Inc.

Medium-Purity Polycrystalline

Member of Provincial Parliament

Member of the Provincial Parliament

Memory Parity and Protect

Memory phrase pairs

Merit Promotion Plan

Message Posting Protocol

Message Processing Program

Message Prosting Protocol

Meteoroid Penetration Probe

Micropapillary pattern

Microsoft Project file

Microwave Processing Project

Military Personnel and Policy

Minimum Path Partition

Minimum Premium Plan

Mission Payload Prototype

Mission Performance Plan

Mission Planning Program

Mission Preparation Processor

Mission Processing Plan

Mitochondrial processing peptidase

Mmabatho People's Party

Mobile Party Pay

Mobile Positioning Protocol

Mobilization Program Pre-assignment

Mobilization Program reassignment

Modernization Planning Process

Mohave Power Project

Moly-Permalloy Powder


Monuments Protection Programme

Morse Pair Potential

Most Probable Position

Most Profitable Prospect

Most Profitable Prospects

Motion picture projector


Multi Pinned Phase

Multi-Channel Point-to-Point Protocol

Multi-County Planning Policy

Multi-Phase Pinned

Multi-Phonon Process

Multi-Photon Process



Multi-spectral scanner preprocessor

Multichannel Point-to-Point

Multichannel Point-to-Point Protocol

Multilink Point-to-Point Protocol

Multiphase printing

Multiple presentation phenotype

Multipotent progenitor

Myelin protein, peripheral

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