About The Abbreviation Or Acronym MPO

Real Dictionary

What does MPO mean? Discover the definition of the acronym or abbreviation MPO at the RealDictionary.com.


MPO Definition
MPO Definition

What's The Definition Of MPO?

The definition of MPO is:

IATA code for Pocono Mountains Municipal Airport, Mount Pocono, Pennsylvania, United States

Main Post Office

Management and Personnel Office

Manager of Pool Operations

Manufacturer's Point of Origin

Manufacturing production order

Marrow peroxidase

Maryland Point Observatory

Maryland Procurement Office

Mast cell peroxidase

Maximal power output

Maximum power output

Mean power output

Medial preoptic

Medial preoptic area

Medial preoptic nucleus

Medial preoptic region

Median preoptic nucleus

Medical and Pediatric Oncology

Memorandum Purchase Order

Memory Placement Optimization

Memory Protect Override


Mercury Planetary Orbiter

Mercury Project Office

Metropolitan Planning Organization

Metropolitan Planning Organization's

Metropolitan Planning Organizations

Microgravity Projects Office

Military pay order

Military Personnel Office

Military Planning Office

Military Post Office

Minimal perceptible odor

Mission Planning Office

Mission Planning Officer

Mission-Payload Operator

Mobile Post Office

Modified plan of operation

Modified polarized orbital

Mono Power Amplifier

Monophenol oxidase


Multi Product Operations

Multiproduct operation

Murabahah for the Purchase Order

Music Power Output


Myeloperoxidase activity

Myeloperoxidase assay

Myeloperoxidase enzyme

Myeloperoxidase gene



Transportes Aereos Amparo

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