About The Abbreviation Or Acronym MMS

What does MMS mean? Discover the definition of the acronym or abbreviation MMS at the RealDictionary.com.

MMS Definition |
What's The Definition Of MMS?The definition of MMS is: IATA code for Selfs Airport, Marks, Mississippi, United States Maclay Middle School Macromolecular synthesis Madison Middle School Madrid Middle School Madrona Middle School Magdalena Municipal Schools Magnetic Median Surface Magnetic mine sweeping Magneto Multiscale Science Magnetospheric Multi Scale Magruder Middle School Mail Management System Main Memory Status Maintenance Management System Maintenance Manipulator System Maintenance Mentoring System Maintenance Monitoring System Malayan Mathematical Society Malaysian Meteorological Service Male mating speed Mammalian Mutagenesis Study Group Mammoth Middle School Man-Machine System Man-Made Substance Management Maintenance System Management Mobility Services Management service Maneuver and mobility support Manifest Mailing System Mann Middle School Manned Maneuvering System Manpower Management System Manufacturing Message Service Manufacturing Message Services Manufacturing Message Specification Manufacturing Message Specifications Manufacturing Message Standard Manufacturing Messaging Service Manufacturing Messaging Specification Manzanita Middle School March Madness Margarita Middle School Marina Middle School Marine Maintenance System Marine Mammal System Marine Mammal Systems Marine Meteorological Services Mariposa Middle School Maritime Mission Systems Maritime Mobile Service Market Monitoring and Surveillance Markham Middle School Marshall Management System Marshall Middle School Marston Middle School Mass mammographic screening MASS MEMORY STORE Mass Memory Superchip Massachusetts Medical Society Mast Mounted Sight Mast Mounted Sight's Mast Mounted Site Mast-mounted sight Mast-Mounted Sight/Mast-Mounted Sensor Master milestone schedule Master of Management Science Master of Management Studies Master of Marketing Science Master of Materials Science Master of Medical Science Mastery management system Masuda Middle School Material Management System Materials Management System Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids Mathson Middle School Matra Marconi Space Matras Marconi Space Maximum message size Maximus, Inc. Maxwell Municipal Schools Maze Middle School Mcauliffe Middle School Mccaffrey Middle School McCord Middle School Mcfarland Middle School Mckee Middle School Mckinleyville Middle School Meadowbrook Middle School Media Management System Media Management Systems Medical Mission Sisters Medicus Mundi Switzerland Melanomas Melbourne Medical School Member, Institute of Management Services Membrane of the stomach Memory Management System Mendocino Middle School Menifee Middle School Meningiomas Merchant Management System Mercury Manganese Selenide Merged Markush Service Merit Medal in Silver Mesa Middle School Mesodermal sarcoma Mesodermal sarcomas Mesotheliomas Message Management Service Message Management Subsystem Metallurgy & Material Science Metallurgy and Materials Science Meteorological Measurement System Meteorological Measuring Set Meteorological Measuring System Meterological Measurment System Methyl methane sulfate Methyl methane sulfonate Methyl methane sulphonate Metropolitan Map Series Metropolitan Medicare System Metz Middle School Micro Machining Systems Micro-Media Systems Microfiche Management System Microscale Meteorology Section Microsoft Management Summit Microsoft Media Server Microsoft Metadirectory Services Middle molecular substances Miller Middle School Millikan Middle School Mills Middle School Mineral Management Service Minerals Management Service Minerals Management Service, Mini Mental Slate Mini Mental Status Mini-Mental State Mini-Mental State Exam Mini-Mental State examination Mini-mental State Test Mini-Micro Systems Miniature Mass Spectrometer Minimum Manning Strength Missile Maintenance Squadron Missile Management System Missile Monitoring System Mission Management System Mission Management Systems Mission Middle School Mission Modular Spacecraft Mission Module Subsystem Mission Module System Mission Monitoring System Mission Mountain School Mitchell Middle School MMCS Management System Mobile Mapping System Mobile Messaging Service Mobility Management System Mode Management service Modem Management System Modified Monitoring State Modoc Middle School Modular Measurement System Modular Modeling System Modular Multiband Scanner Modular Multimission Spacecraft Module Making System Module Management System Mohs micrographic surgery Mohs' Micrographic Surgery Molecular modulation spectroscopy Momentum Management System Monolithic microwave systems Monroe Middle School Montera Middle School Montgomery Middle School Monument Middle School Moore Middle School Morada Middle School Moriarty Municipal Schools Morrill Middle School Moses Middle School Moskow Mathematical Society Mosquero Municipal Schools Motorola Messaging Suite Move Management Service Movements Moyamoya syndrome Muir Middle School Muirlands Middle School Mulcahy Middle School Mulholland Middle School Multi Measuring System Multi Media Messaging Multi Mission System Multi-Media System Multi-mission Modular Spacecraft Multi-Mission Spacecraft Multilevel Mail Server Multimedia Message Service Multimedia Message System Multimedia Messaging Service Multimedia Messaging Services Multimedia Messaging System Multimedia Messaging Systems Multimedia Survey Multimission Modular Spacecraft Multimission Spacecraft Multimode Seeker Multipart Memory System Multiple marker screening Multiple marker strains Multiple metabolic syndrome Multiplex Management System Multistatic Measurement System Municipal Management System Munitions maintenance squadron Murphy Middle School Murray Middle School Muscatel Middle School Musser Middle School Myelomas Myomodulins SAAD Limited |
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