About The Abbreviation Or Acronym MMI

What does MMI mean? Discover the definition of the acronym or abbreviation MMI at the RealDictionary.com.

MMI Definition |
What's The Definition Of MMI?The definition of MMI is: IATA code for McMinn County Airport, Athens, Tennessee, United States Machine-to-Machine Interface Macrophage migration index Macrophage migration inhibition Macrophage migration inhibition test Main Memory Interface Major Market Index Man Machine Interface Man Machine Interface. Man Machine Interfaces Man-Machine Interaction Man-Machine Interface Man-made interface Man-to-Machine Interface Man/Machine Interface Manual Magnetic Indicator Manufacturing Materials Interface Marketing Management, Inc. Marshall Management Instruction Master member index Materials Management International Maximum medical improvement Media Mining Indexer Medial medullary infarction Medicus Mundi International Membrane irritation Mercalli Modified Intensity Mercaptomethylimidazole Messe Muenchen International Methylmercaptoimidazole Michigan Molecular Institute Micro-Mechanical Inertial Military Medicine Institute Minor myocardial injury Missionaries of Mary Immaculate Mixed Mode Interpreter MMI COMPANIES, INC. Mode-Medium Instability Modem Management Interface Modified Mercalli Intensities Modified Mercalli Intensity Moon-Mars Initiative Mucous membrane irritation Multi Media Interface Multimedia Interface Multimode interference Mutual information Mutual Morgage Insurance Mutual Mortgage Insurance |
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