About The Abbreviation Or Acronym MFE

Real Dictionary

What does MFE mean? Discover the definition of the acronym or abbreviation MFE at the RealDictionary.com.


MFE Definition
MFE Definition

What's The Definition Of MFE?

The definition of MFE is:

IATA code for McAllen-Miller International Airport, McAllen, Texas, United States

Magnetic field effect

Magnetic Field Emissions

Magnetic Field Experiment

Magnetic Field Explorer

Magnetic Fields Experiment

Magnetic fusion energy

Manpower force element

Master File Expansion

Master of Forest Engineering

Material Fuel Equivalent

Mean Forecast Error

Mercury Film Electrode

Microabrasion Foil Experiment

Mid Frequency Executive

Minimum free energy

Ministry for the Environment

Multi-Factored Evaluation

Multifunctional enzyme

Multiple Frame Established

Multiple Frame Establishment

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