About The Abbreviation Or Acronym MCV

Real Dictionary

What does MCV mean? Discover the definition of the acronym or abbreviation MCV at the RealDictionary.com.


MCV Definition
MCV Definition

What's The Definition Of MCV?

The definition of MCV is:

Magnetic Cushion Vehicle

Main control valve

Malvaceous chlorosis virus

Master Control Valve

Mean cell volume

Mean cell volumes

Mean cellular volume

Mean clinical value

Mean contour value

Mean corpuscle volume

Mean corpuscular value

Mean corpuscular volume

Mean corpuscular volume of erythrocytes

Mean corpuscular volumes

Mean erythrocyte volume

Mean red cell volume

Measles-containing vaccine

Median cell volume

Medical College of Virginia

Melanoma cell vaccine

Mesoscale convective vortex

Mesoscale cyclonic vortex

Methotrexate, Cisplatin and Vinblastine

Microbial Check Valve

Middle cardiac vein

Milstar Communications Vehicle

Mission Critical Variant

Mixture Control Valve

Mobile Communications Vehicle

Mobile Communications Vehicles

Molluscum contagiosum virus

Motor conduction velocities

Motor conduction velocity

Motor nerve conduction velocities

Motor nerve conduction velocity

Movable Closure Valve

MTC Aviacion

Multipoint Command Visualization

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