About The Abbreviation Or Acronym LTP

Real Dictionary

What does LTP mean? Discover the definition of the acronym or abbreviation LTP at the RealDictionary.com.


LTP Definition
LTP Definition

What's The Definition Of LTP?

The definition of LTP is:

L tryptophan

Laboratory for Terrestrial Physics

Laboratory for Theoretical Physics

Lactate turn point

Language Translator Program


Laser trabeculoplasty

Lateral thigh perforator

Leachate treatment plant

Leader Training Program

Leaders Training Program

Learning Technologies Project

Left Top Plug

Leicester Trace Package

Let's talk privately

Library Technology Project

License Termination Plan

Limited Trading Permit

Line and Trunk Peripheral

Line and Trunk Peripherals

Line Test Position

Line Trunk Peripheral

Link Test Pulse

Linux Technology Preview

Linux Test Project

Lipid transfer particle

Lipid transfer protein

Lipid transfer proteins

Liquid Transition Point

LISA Technology Package

List Transmission Path

Liver tryptophan pyrrolase

Local Test Position

Local Tracking Problem

Local Transport Plans

Lockout/tagout permit

Long Term Plan

Long term potentiation

Long Term Prediction

Long Trace Profilometer

Long-Tail Pair

Long-term potentiation

Long-term potentiation of synaptic transmission

Long-term synaptic potentiation

Loop Termination Prediction

Low Temperature Physics

Low temperature plasma

Low-Temperature Physics

Low-Temperature Plastic

Low-Temperature Processing

Lower Threshold Point

Lunar Transient Phenomena

Lunar Transient Phenomenon


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