About The Abbreviation Or Acronym LTM

Real Dictionary

What does LTM mean? Discover the definition of the acronym or abbreviation LTM at the RealDictionary.com.


LTM Definition
LTM Definition

What's The Definition Of LTM?

The definition of LTM is:

Laboratorium für Technische Mechanik, Paderborn

Lake Taylor Middle School

LAN Traffic Monitor

Language Training Mission

Laparoscopic transhepatic manometry

Laser Transmitter Module

Last Twelve Months

Late Transition Metal

Lateral translation mode

Laugh to myself

Laughed To Myself

Laughing To Myself

Law Trajectory Mount

Lead Time Matrix

Lean tissue mass

Learning to Manage

Liberated to marry

Licentiate in Tropical Medicine

Life Time Fitness

Lightweight Transaction Manager

Line and Trunk Maintenance

Linear tangent model

Live Traffic Model

Load Training Missile

Load Transformation Matrix

Local transaction manager

Log Transfer Manager

Long term memory


Long-term EEG monitoring

Long-term memory

Long-term modulation

Long-term monitoring

Low Thermal Mass

Low-Temperature Mixing

Low-Temperature Molding

Low-threshold mechanoreceptive

Low-threshold mechanosensitive

Low-trajectory missile

Lower threshold of motion

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