About The Abbreviation Or Acronym LTE

Real Dictionary

What does LTE mean? Discover the definition of the acronym or abbreviation LTE at the RealDictionary.com.


LTE Definition
LTE Definition

What's The Definition Of LTE?

The definition of LTE is:

Land Trust Exchange


Late Traffic Entry


Left temporal lobe epilepsy

Less Than Effective

Less than or equal

Levitator Technology Experiment

Limited Term Employee

Line Terminal Equipment

Line Terminating Entity

Line Terminating Equipment

Line Termination Equipment

Line Trunk Equipment

Linear Transversal Equalizer

Link Terminating Equipment

Lite Terminating Equipment

Local Telephone Exchange

Local Terminal Emulator

Local thermal equilibrium

Local thermodn. equil.

Local thermodynamic equilibrium

London Tests of English

Long Term Evolution

Long Tube Evaporator

Long-term enhancement

Long-term expression element

Long-term synaptic enhancement

Low-cost Training Equipment

LTE International Airways

Lymantria testis ecdysiotropin

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