About The Abbreviation Or Acronym LTA

Real Dictionary

What does LTA mean? Discover the definition of the acronym or abbreviation LTA at the RealDictionary.com.


LTA Definition
LTA Definition

What's The Definition Of LTA?

The definition of LTA is:

Lab Testing Agreements

Land Transport Authority

Large T antigen

Laser thermal ablation

Laser thermal angioplasty

Laser thermal anneal

Laser trabecular ablation

Latent transition analysis

Launch to Activation

Launch to Activiation

Launch Tube Assembly

Lawn Tennis Association

Lead Technical Activity

Lead test assembly

Lead tetraacetate

Lead Trial Attorney

Leisure time physical activity

LEM Test Article

Less than adequate

Library Technology Assistant


Life-threatening asthma

Light transmission aggregometry

Light Transport Aircraft

Lighter Than Air


Limited Term Appointment

Linde Type A

Line Test Access

Line Turn-Around

Line TurnAround

Linear Triaxial Accelerometer

Linen Trade Association

Lipid transfer activity

Lipotechoic acid

Lipoteichoic acid

Lipoteichoic acids

Literary Translators Association

LM Test Article

Local Target Area

Local Tourism Association

Local tracheal anesthesia

Local Training Area

Local Training Areas

Local Training Authority

Local Transport Address

Locked Turbine Active

Logical Transient Area

London Teachers' Association

London Transport Authority

Long term abuse

Long Term Agreement

Long Term Agreements

Long Term Architecture

Long Term Archive

Long Term Average

Long Tieng Academy

Long-term adaptation

Long-term archives

Long-Term Arrangement

Long-term asymptomatic

Long-Time Annealing

Lost Time Accident

Lost Time Accidents

Lotus tetragonolobus

Lotus tetragonolobus agglutinin

Lotus tetragonolobus lectin

Low Temperature Aftercooling

Low-Temperature Aging

Low-Temperature Anneal

Low-Temperature Ashing

Lower Torso Assembly

Lung tumor-associated antigen

Lymphocyte toxicity assay

Lymphocyte transformation assay

Lymphotoxin alpha

Trans Atlantis

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