About The Abbreviation Or Acronym LSR

What does LSR mean? Discover the definition of the acronym or abbreviation LSR at the RealDictionary.com.

LSR Definition |
What's The Definition Of LSR?The definition of LSR is: Alsair IATA code for Lost River 1 Airport, Lost River, Alaska, United States Label Switch Router Label Switch Routers Label Switched Router Label Switching Router Label Switching Routers Laboratory for Space Research Laboratory Standards and Reference Lamp Switch Router Land Sea Rescue Land-Sea Rescue Lanthanide Shift Reagent Laparoscopic sigmoid resection Laser Scanning Radar Laser skin resurfacing LASER TECHNOLOGY, INC. Launch Signal Responder Launch Site Recovery Launch Support Request Launch Support Room Leaf Setup Request Least-Squares Regression Lecithin to sphingomyelin ratio Lecithin/ sphingomyelin ratio Left superior rectus Life Science Research Light sarcoplasmic reticulum Lightweight Survivable Rover Limb salvage rate Limited Service Rural Limiting Spacial Resolution Line Service Request Link State Routing Lipolysis-stimulated receptor Liquid Silicon Rubber Liquid silicone rubber Liquid Slip Ring Liver/spleen ratio Load Shifting Resistor Load-Switching Router Loan Status Report Local Service Request Local Service Requests Local Shared Resource Local Shwartzman reaction Local Space Rectangular Local Standard of Rest Local Storage Register Local Storm Report Local-Shared Resources Locally Shared Resource Logical Shift Right Logistics Shop Release Logistics Success Rate Longitudinal SR Loose snow on runway Loose Source Route Loose Source Routing Low Spatial Resolution Low-Speed Reader Lynchburg Source Reactor |
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