About The Abbreviation Or Acronym LPC

Real Dictionary

What does LPC mean? Discover the definition of the acronym or abbreviation LPC at the RealDictionary.com.


LPC Definition
LPC Definition

What's The Definition Of LPC?

The definition of LPC is:

Alpine Aviation

IATA code for Lompoc Airport, Lompoc, California, United States



Label Print Center

Label Printing Center

Laboratory Pasteurized Count

Laboratory Performance Check

Laboratory Precision Connector

Language Products Center

Large particle count

Las Positas College

Laser particle counter

Laser pressure catapulting

Late positive complex

Late positive component

Late preconditioning

Lateral periodontal cyst

Launch Pod Container

Leadership Preparatory Course

Leaf protein concentrate

League of Professional Craftsmen

Leukemic progenitor cell

Leukemic progenitor cells

Leukocyte-poor cell

Liberal Party of Canada

Licensed Professional Counselor

Life Pacific College

Light paraffin conversion

Lightweight Procedure Call

Limited Performance Check

Limiting permissible concentrations

Line printer control

Linear Periodic Coding

Linear Power Controller

Linear Predicting Coding

Linear Prediction Code

Linear Prediction Coding

Linear Prediction Coefficient

Linear Predictive Code

Linear Predictive Coder

Linear Predictive Coding

Linear Predictive Coefficients

Lines Per Centimeter

Lipid protein complex

Liquid particle counter

Liquid-borne particle counter

Lithium-potassium cotransport

Livermore Projects Committee


Local Planning Committee

Local Point Code

Local Port Controller

Local Procedure Call

Local Processing Center

Locality Prevailing Charge

Localized prostate cancer

Logistic Planning Consideration

London Power Company

Long-period comet

Longitudinal Parity Check

Longitudinal primary care

Loon Preservation Committee

Loop preparation cask

Loop Provisioning Center

Loose Patch Clamp

Loss Prevention Council

Low particle concentration

Low Pin Count

Low Power Coalition

Low Pressure Casting

Low Pressure Compressor

Low-Performance Chromatography

Low-power characterization

Low-Pressure Chromatography

Low-Pressure Counter

Lower order Path Connection

Lower Pump Cubicle

Lower-order Path Connection

Lymphoma proprotein convertase






More Acronyms & Abbreviations

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | non-letter

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