About The Abbreviation Or Acronym LIFE

Real Dictionary

What does LIFE mean? Discover the definition of the acronym or abbreviation LIFE at the RealDictionary.com.


LIFE Definition
LIFE Definition

What's The Definition Of LIFE?

The definition of LIFE is:

Analysis of in-pile fuel elements

Laboratory for International Fuzzy Engineering

Land Information Fusion Environment

Large Aircraft Flyout Experiment

Laser Infrared Flyout Experiment

Laser IRCM Flyout Experiment

Laser-induced fluorescence endoscopy

Learning Is For Everyone

Less Intensive Farming and Environment Project

Liberty Increases Future Experiences

Life Issues in Formal Education


Light-induced fluorescence endoscopy

Living in a Finite Environment

Living In A Functional Environment

Living in functional environments

Logic, Inheritance, Functions and Equations

Logistics Interface For manufacturing Environment

Longitudinal Interval Follow-Up Evaluation

Losartan Intervention For Endpoint

Losartan Intervention For Endpoint reduction

Losartan Intervention For Endpoint reduction in

Losartan intervention for endpoint reduction in hypertension

Lung imaging fluorescence endoscope

More Acronyms & Abbreviations

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | non-letter

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