About The Abbreviation Or Acronym LIF

Real Dictionary

What does LIF mean? Discover the definition of the acronym or abbreviation LIF at the RealDictionary.com.


LIF Definition
LIF Definition

What's The Definition Of LIF?

The definition of LIF is:

Large Isothermal Furnace

Laser Induced Fluorescence

Laser Induced Fluorescense

Laser-induced fluorescence

Laser-induced fluorescence detection

Laser-Induced Fusion

Layaway Industrial Facilities

Layer Interface

Leaky integrate-and-fire

Left iliac fossa

Left index finger

Length Indicator Field

Leucocyte inhibition factor

Leucocyte inhibitory factor

Leucocyte migration inhibition factor

Leucocyte migration inhibitory factor

Leukaemia inhibiting factor

Leukaemia inhibitory factor

Leukemia inhibiting factor

Leukemia inhibition factor

Leukemia inhibitor factor

Leukemia Inhibitory Factor

Leukemia-inhibiting factor

Leukocyte inhibiting factor

Leukocyte inhibition factor

Leukocyte inhibitory factor

Leukocyte migration inhibition factor

Leukocyte migration inhibitory factor

Leukocytosis-inducing factor

Lichtenfels, Bayern

Life Income Fund

Lifetime Television


Light Interference Filter

Light-induced fluorescence

Lighting Industry Federation

Lithium fluoride

Local Interworking Function

Local intra-arterial fibrinolysis

Local intraarterial fibrinolytic therapy

Location Interoperability Forum

Logarithmic Intermediate Frequency

Logical Interchange Format

Logical Interface

Logistic Intelligence File

Logistics Information File

Logistics Intelligence File

Low Insertion Force

Low-Insertion Force

Lysostaphin immunity factor

Rocky Mountain Holdings

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