About The Abbreviation Or Acronym LB

What does LB mean? Discover the definition of the acronym or abbreviation LB at the RealDictionary.com.

LB Definition |
What's The Definition Of LB?The definition of LB is: LaBarge, Inc. Lactobacilli Lactobacillus Ladybird Lafora bodies Lag Bolt Lambert-Beer Lamellar bodies Lamellar body Lamin B Landauer-Büttiker Landing Bag Landing Beach Langmuir-Blodgett Large Blast Large bowel Large business Laser Beam Laser Brazing Latch bolt Late blight Lateral bending Lateral Bud Latrunculin B Lattice Boltzmann Launch boost Launch Bunker Launch bus Leaky Bucket LearnBits LEBANON Lecture Bottle Left Back Left Bank Left Behind Left border Left Bottom Left Boundary Left breast Left bronchus Left bundle Left buttock Left button Leghaemoglobin Leghemoglobin Leishmania brasiliensis Length Between Letter Ballot Letter box Leukaemic blasts Leukemic blasts Lewis Base Lewy bodies Lewy body Licensing Basis Lichen biodiversity Liebermann-Burchard Liftboat Ligand binding Light band Light Beacon Light Blue Light Bomb Light Bombardment Light bomber Light Burst Light Button Limb bud Line bisection Line Blocked Line Breadth Line Broadening LINE BUFFER Liner Bond II Lineweaver-Burk Linoleum Base Lipid bodies Lipid body Lisbon List Box Listed Building Litter bearer Litter bin Little Boy Live birth Live births Live Broadcast Liveborn Liver biopsies Liver biopsy Lloyd Aereo Boliviano Load Balancer Load Balancing Load bank Load bearing Load-Bearing Local battery Local Bus Localizer Beam Locating Button Location Broker Logging and Bookkeeping Logical Block Logistics Base Lohmann Brown Long Barrel Long Beach Long Bed Long Box Long Box, Long Bed Long buccal Loop Back Loopback Loose body Loose Bound Loosely Bound Lorentz-Berthelot Low Back Low Band Low Battery Low Bay Low breakage Low-Band Lower back Lower body Lower Bound Lower brace Lowry-Brønsted Loyola Blakefield Lueders Bands Lumbers Building Lung biopsy Luria broth Luria-Bertaini Luria-Bertani Luria-Bertani broth Luria-Bertani medium Lyme borreliosis Lymphoblastic Lymphoblastic lymphoma Lymphoblastoid Lymphocyte blastogenesis Pound Ring Wire |
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