About The Abbreviation Or Acronym ITT

Real Dictionary

What does ITT mean? Discover the definition of the acronym or abbreviation ITT at the RealDictionary.com.


ITT Definition
ITT Definition

What's The Definition Of ITT?

The definition of ITT is:

Ideal Transmission Time

Iliotibial tract

Immune tolerance therapy

Impact Transition Temperature

In This Thread

In-Theatre Training

Incremental treadmill test

Independent Technical Tester

Indonesian thin tail

Infantry travel team

Information Technology and Tourism

Information Technology Team

Information Technology Tools

Information Tickets and Tours

Information, Tours and Travel

Infrared tympanic thermometer

Infrared tympanic thermometry

Initial Teacher Training

Initial Technical Testing

Innovative Treatment Technologies

Inside trim template

Institute of Textile Technology

Instructional Transaction Theory

Insulin tolerance test

Insulin tolerance testing

Insulin tolerance tests

Integrated Technology Thrust

Integrated Test Team

Integrated Training Team

Integrated Transfer Trip

Integration and Test Team

Integration Test Team

Intent to treat

Intent-to-treat analysis

Intent-to-treat population

Intention to treat

Intention-to-treat analysis

Inter Theater Transfer

Inter Turbine Temperature

Inter-Tandem Trunk

Inter-Test Time

Interdisciplinary Treatment Team

Interhemispheric transfer time

Interhemispheric transmission time

Internal tibial torsion

International Telegraph and Telephone

International Telephone & Telegraph

International Telephone and Telegraph

International Telephone and Telegraph Company

International Telephone and Telegraph Corporation


Interoperability Test Tool

Interpolated twitch technique

Interrogation and Translation Team

Interrogation Translator Team

Interrogation-Translation Team

Interrogator Translator Team

Interrogator-Translator Team

Interrogator-Transponder Technique

Interstage Turbine Temperature

Interstitial tumor therapy

Intestinal Transit Time

Intradermal tuberculin test

Intratesticular testosterone

Intraventricular thrombolysis trial

Intrinsic thermotolerance

Introduction to Tactics and Technique

Invitation to Tender

Invitation to Transmit

ITT Industries, Inc.

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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | non-letter

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