About The Abbreviation Or Acronym ITA

Real Dictionary

What does ITA mean? Discover the definition of the acronym or abbreviation ITA at the RealDictionary.com.


ITA Definition
ITA Definition

What's The Definition Of ITA?

The definition of ITA is:

I totally agree

If that is alright

Image transfer assembly

Immunoturbidimetric assay

Impact tester addition

Imperial Traders Association

Implementing Task Agreement

In-training assessment

Income Tax Act

Incoming Target Alarm

Independant Television Authority

Independent Technical Assessment

Independent Technical Authority

Independent Telephone Association

Independent Television Authority

Independent Test Authority

Indian Trail Academy

Indiana Telecommunications Association

Indiana Troopers Association

Indium Tantalum Antimonide

Individual Training Account

Industrial Technical Adviser

Industrial Technology Adviser

Industrial Telecommunications Association

Industrial Transport Association

Industrial Truck Association

Industry and Trade Administration

Ineffective Traffic Attempt

Inferior temporal artery

Inferior thyroid artery

Inforamtion Technology Alliance

Information Technologies Association

Information Technology Academy

Information Technology AdminCenter

Information Technology Agreement

Information Technology and Automation

Information Technology Architecture

Information Technology Association

Information transmission analysis

Infrastructure Technology and Applications

Infusion Treatment Area

Initial Teaching Alphabet

Institut de technologie alimentaire

Institut de Transport Aérien

Institute for Telecommunication and Aeronomy

Institute of Air Transport

Institute of Theoretical Astronomy

Institute of Traffic Administration

Institute of Transport Aviation

Instrmentation Technology Associates

Instrumentation Technology Associates

Instrumentation Technology Associates, Inc.

Instrumentation Technology Association

Instrumented test assembly

Integrated Technology Architecture

Integrated Test Adapter

Integrated Test Area

Integrated Test Article

Integrated Theater Architecture

Integrated Thermal Analysis

Integrated Training Administration

Integrated Trunk Access

Integrated Truss Assembly

Intelligence Terrain Analyzer

Intelligent Task Automation

Intelligent Traverse Adjustment

Intent To Adopt


Interactive Television Appliance

Interactive Television Association

Intercollegiate Tennis Association

Interface Technology Analysis

Interface Test Adapter

Interface Test Adapters

Interface Test Adaptor

Interim Type Approval

Intermodal Transportation Association

Internal thoracic arteries

Internal thoracic artery

Internal thoracic artery graft

Internal thoracic artery grafts

International Tar Conference

International Technolocy Alliance

International Teleconferencing Association

International Telegraph Alphabet

International Telegraphic Alphabet

International Telenurses Association

International Television Academy

International Thermographers Association

International Tin Agreement

International Tin Association

International Tire Association

International Title Abbreviations

International Tourist Arrivals

International Trade Administration

International Trade Administration's

International Trade Association

International Traders Association

International Transboundary Advisor

International Tube Association

International Tuberculosis Association

International Tunneling Association

International Typographic Association

Interstate Towing Association

Intrathecal analgesia

Invasive trophoblast antigen

Involuntary Treatment Act

Irvine Teachers Association

Istrumentation Technology Associates

IT Assistant




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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | non-letter

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