About The Abbreviation Or Acronym IS

What does IS mean? Discover the definition of the acronym or abbreviation IS at the RealDictionary.com.

IS Definition |
What's The Definition Of IS?The definition of IS is: I'm sorry Ice Sheet ICELAND IDEAL School Ideal Solid Idiopathic scoliosis Ignition Switch Ileal segment Ileal symbiont Illinois Southern Image Space Image Stabilization Image Stabilizer Image Storage Image Subtraction Imaging Science Imaging spectrometer Imaging System Imaging Systems Imanpa School Immediate sensitivity Immediate Start Immediate-spin Immersion Scan Immobilization stress Immune sera Immune serum Immune suppression Immune synapse Immune system Immunologic synapse Immunological synapse Immunological synapses Immunoreactive substance Immunoreactive substances Immunoscintigraphy Immunosorption Immunostaining Immunosuppressant Immunosuppressed Immunosuppression Immunosuppressive Immunosuppressive substance Immunosuppressive therapy Immunosuppressive treatment Impact Sensor Impact Strength Impedance spectroscopy Imperative stimulus Impingement syndrome Implicit solvent In Service In situ In-Service Inaburra School Inactive stockpile Incapacity Specialist Incentive spirometer Incentive spirometry Incision superius Incoherent Scattering Income Statement Income Support Incomplete sequence Indentation strength Independent School Independent schools Independent sources Independent Study Indeterminate sleep Index of sexuality Index Set INDEXED SEQUENTIAL Indian Standard Indicating switch Indicator Source Individuals Studying Indoxyl sulfate Induced sputum Induction Soldering Inductive Sensor Induna School Industrial safety Industrial service Industrial Society Industrial Source Industrial Specialist Industry Solutions Industry Solutions Module Industry Standard Inelastic Scattering Inertia Switch Inertial System Inescapable Inescapable shock Inescapable tail shock Infant size Infant Stimulation Infantile spasms Infarct size Inferior-superior Inflammatory soup Information Science Information Sciences Information Scientist Information Security Information Separation Information separator Information Service Information Services Information Sharing Information Society Information Source Information Specialist Information Storage Information Store Information Superhighway Information Superiority Information Survivability Information System Information Systems Infraspinatus Infundibular septum Ingestion Server Inhalation sedation Inhaled steroids Inherent structure Inherent structures Inhibitor-sensitive Init Sent Initial segment Initial slope Initial Spares Initial Study Initialisation Sequence Initiating State Initiation Sent Inlet sump Inner segment Inner segments Inner stripe Inorganic Semiconductor Input Signal Input System Inquiry Station Insall-Salvati Insect screen Insecticide-susceptible Insertion Insertion element Insertion sequence Insertion sequences Insertion site Insight Scale Inspection shaft Installation Start Installation Support Instant Savings Institut Solvay Institut Suisse Institute of Science Institute of Statisticians Institute Sponsors Institutional Support Institutionalized Spouse Instruction Sequencer Instruction Set Instruction Sheet Instruction stimulus Instructor Station Instrumentation subsystem Instrumentation system Insulated System Insulin Insulin secretion Insulin sensitivity Insulin-sensitive Intake Stroke Integer Set Integer Sort Integral Systems Integrated Community Schools Integrated Satellite Integrated Schedule Integrated Science Integrated Services Integrated Sight Integrated Stack Integrated System Integrated Systems Integrating Sphere Integration Specification Intelligence Section Intelligence Specialist Intelligence Specialists Intelligence Specialty Intelligence Squadron Intelligent Scheduler Intelligent System Intensifying Screen Intensity Interaction site Interactive Services Interactive System Intercellular space Interconnect Switch Interconnecting Station Intercostal space Interessentselskab Interface Shell Interface Simulator Interface Specification Interface specifications Interface Systems Interference Spectroscope Interference Spectroscopy Interference Spectrum Interference Subtraction Interference Suppressor Interfering station Interferometric Spectrometer Interferometric Spectrometry Interferometric Spectroscope Interferometric Spectroscopy Intergenic sequence Interictal spike Interictal spikes INTERIM SERVICES, INC. Interim Specification Interim stabilization Interim standard Interim Standards Interim Status Interlamellar Spacing Intermediate School Intermediate Signalling Intermediate stage Intermediate State Intermediate System Intermediate systems Internal Schema Internal shield Internal Specification Internal standard Internal standards Internal Stop Internal Storage Internal Stress Internal Structure Internal System International sales International School International Segment International Services International Sign International Staff International Standard International Standardization International standards International Supplement International Symposium International System Internationale Stadt Internet Society Internet Standard Interpretive statement Interrupt Set Interrupt Signal Interrupt status Interscapular Interstate Interstellar Space Interstitial Solution Interstitial space Interswitch INTERVAL SIGNAL Interventricular septum Interventricular system Intestinal spirochetosis Intracardial shunt Intraconnect Schematic Intragranular Slip Intraluminal shunt Intrasplenic Intrastriatal Intraventricular septum Intrazonal Soil Intrinsic safety Intrinsic Semiconductor Intrinsically Safe Intussusception Inverse Scan Inversion sequence Investigations Service Involute Spline Iolani School Ion Scattering Ion Source Ion Spectroscopy Ion Spectrum Ion Storage Ionic strength Ionization Spectrometer Ionization Spectrometry Ionization Spectroscope Ionization Spectroscopy Ionspray Iowa Street Ipolera School Iridium Satellite Ischaemic stroke Ischemia Ischemic Ischemic score Ischemic stroke ISDN State Ishibashi Islamic Studies Island Island Airlines Islands Isle Isles Islet Isobaric Spin Isolated Isolating Switch Isomer shift Isometric strength Isoproterenol Isostatic Isotonic saline Isotope separation Isotopic source Isotopic Spin Isradipine Israel Israeli Shekel Istanbul Ives School |
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