About The Abbreviation Or Acronym IMP

What does IMP mean? Discover the definition of the acronym or abbreviation IMP at the RealDictionary.com.

IMP Definition |
What's The Definition Of IMP?The definition of IMP is: I might be pregnant Ice mass path Ice-Motion Package Idiopathic myeloid proliferation Image Product Imager for Mars Pathfinder Imipenem Imipramine Immuno magnetic particles Immunoperoxidase Impact Impact Motorsports Promotions Impact Prediction Impacted Impaction Impairment unit IMPCO Impedance Imperatorin Imperfect Imperial IMPERIAL BANCORP Impersonating or Impersonation Implementation Implementation and Monitoring Plan Implementation Information Plan Implementation Management Plan Implementation Phase Implementation procedure Import Important Importe Importin Imposed Monopoly Privileges Impression Imprimatur Impromidine Improve Improved Improved Maintenance Program Improvement Impulse Impulses Impurity Inbound Message Processor Inbound Modem Pooling Incomplete male pseudohermaphroditism Independent Motion Picture Index of myocardial performance Individual Meal Pack Individual Medicaid practitioner Industrial Management Plan Industrial Mobilization Plan Infant Mathematics Project Inflammation modulatory protein Inflatable Micrometeoroid Paraglider Influenza matrix peptide Information Management Plan Information Management Practice Information Management Program Information Message Processor Information Module Profile Infrastructure Modernization Program Initial Maximum Pressure Initial Memory Protection Initial Military Program Inner membrane protein Innovative Management Partner Inosine 5'-monophosphate Inosine monophosphate Inositol monophosphate Inpatient multidimensional psychiatric Input Message Processing Input Message Processor Insight Management Pack Installation Master Plans Instant Math Preprints Instant Messaging Protocol Institut Medizinisches Piercing Institute of Materials Processing Institute of Metal Physics Institute of Molecular Pathology Institutionalize a Managed Process Instructional Management Plan Instrument Mounting Plate Instrument Mounting Platform Integrated Mail Processor Integrated Management Plan Integrated Manpower Program Integrated Master Plan Integrated Mathematics Project Integrated Message Processor Integrated Micro Products Integrated Micro Products Inc. Integrated Microwave Products Integrated Mission Processing Integrated Motor Propulsor Integrated Multiprotocol Processor Integrity Management Program Intelligence Message Processor Intelligent Machine Prognosticator Intelligent Management Processor Intelligent Message Processor Intelligent mobile platform Intensity-Modulated Photocurrent Interactive Mathematics Program Interactive Mudding Protocol Interchange Message Procedures Interdiffused Multilayer Process Interface Management Plan Interface Message Processing Interface Message Processor Interface Message Processors Interface Message Protocol Interfaced Message Processor Interindustry Management Program Intermodulation Products International Monitoring Platform Internet Mail Only Internet Mercantile Protocol Internet Message Processor Internet Messaging Program Internet Modem Protocol Interoperability Management Plan Interpersonal Messaging Protocol Interplanetary Monitoring Platform Interplanetary Monitoring Platforms Interplanetary Monitoring Probe Interplanetary Monitoring Program Intramammary pressure Intramedullary pressure Intramembrane particle Intramembrane particles Intramembrane protein particles Intramembraneous particles Intramembranous particle Intramembranous particles Intramuscular pressure Intramyocardial pressure Intramyocardial tissue pressure Inventory management plan Investigational Materials Plan Investigational Medicinal Product Investigational Medicinal Products Iodoamphetamine Ion metal plasma Ion-Moderated Partition Isle of Man Pounds Isothermal Melt Processing |
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