About The Abbreviation Or Acronym IFF

What does IFF mean? Discover the definition of the acronym or abbreviation IFF at the RealDictionary.com.

IFF Definition |
What's The Definition Of IFF?The definition of IFF is: Identification Fried or Foe Identification Fried/Foe Identification Friend and Foe Identification Friend Foe Identification Friend of Foe Identification Friend or Foe Identification Friend-or-Foe Identification Friend/Foe Identification, Friend or Foe Identification, Friend-or-Foe Identify Friend or Foe If and only if Ifosfamide Image File Format In Flanders Fields Indentification, Friend or Foe Industrial Funding Fee Information Flow Framework Information Friend or Foe Inner fracture face Institute for Fermentation Institute of Freight Forwarders Integrated fish farming Intelligent Friend & Foe Intensity Fluctuation Factor Interchange File Format Interchange Format File Interchangeable File Format Interference Fit Feature Interfreight Forwarding Interfrequency Filter Intergovernmental Forum on Forests Interior Franchise Fund Intermediate Frequency Furnace Internationa Flavors and Fragrances, Inc. International Flavors and Fragrances INTERNATIONAL FLAVORS and FRAGRANCES, INC International Floorball Federation International Flying Farmers International Forest Forum International Forum on Forests Internet Fast Forward Interrogation Friend of Foe Interrogation Friend or Foe Interrogator Friend or Foe Interstitial fluid flow Introduction to Fighter Fundamentals Ionized Flow Field Iron free foci Ischia Film Festival Isoelectric Focusing Facility Iterative Function Fractal |
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