About The Abbreviation Or Acronym IES

Real Dictionary

What does IES mean? Discover the definition of the acronym or abbreviation IES at the RealDictionary.com.


IES Definition
IES Definition

What's The Definition Of IES?

The definition of IES is:

Illuminating Engineering Society

Illustrative Evaluation Scenario

Image Exploitation Services

Imagery Exploitation Segment

Imagery Exploitation Support

Imagery Exploitation System

Imagery Exploitation Systems

Imagery Exploration System

Imaging Electron Sensor

Imaging Electron Spectrometer

Impact of Event Scale

Impact of Events Scale

Imperial Elementary School

Income and expenditure survey

Incoming Echo Suppressor

Independence Elementary School

Independent Elementary School

Indianola Elementary School

Inductive Energy Storage

Industrial Electronics Seminar

Industrial Electronics Society

Industrial Engineering Standard

Industrial Estates

Industry Executive Subcommittee

Infected erythrocytes

Inferior esophageal sphincter

Information elements

Information Exchange Service

Information Exchange System

Information Exchanges

Information Extraction System

Inghram Elementary School

Inspiratory effort sensation

Inst. for Environmental Sciences

Institute for Earth Sciences

Institute for Employment Studies

Institute for Environment and Sustainability

Institute for Environmental Science

Institute for Environmental Studies

Institute for European Studies

Institute of Economic Studies

Institute of Education Sciences

Institute of Environmental Sciences

Institute of Environmental Studies

Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders

Institution of Engineers of Singapore

Institution of Engineers Singapore

Institution of Environmental Sciences

Instituto de Estudios Superiores

Instructionally Effective School

Instrument Earth Scans

Integral Error Squared


Integrated Engine Solutions

Integrated Engineering Station

Integrated Engineering System

Integrated Environmental Solutions

Intelligent Emulation Switching

Intensive English Studies

Inter-Enterprise Systems

Interactive Estimating System

Intergroup Exemestane Study


Internal eliminated sequence

Internal eliminated sequences

Internal Environmental Simulator

International Ecology Society

International Education Services

International Elementary School

International Exchange Service

Interoperability Enhancement System

Intrinsic Electric Strength

Inverness Elementary School

Inverted Echo Sounder

Investigative and Enforcement Services

Investigative Enforcement Services

Inyokern Elementary School

Ion and Electron Sensor

Ione Elementary School

Ionization energies

Iowa Engineering Society

Irrigation Equipment System

Irwin Elementary School

Island Elementary School

Isleton Elementary School

Israel Exploration Society

Ivanhoe Elementary School

More Acronyms & Abbreviations

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | non-letter

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