About The Abbreviation Or Acronym IEC

Real Dictionary

What does IEC mean? Discover the definition of the acronym or abbreviation IEC at the RealDictionary.com.


IEC Definition
IEC Definition

What's The Definition Of IEC?

The definition of IEC is:

Illinois Energy Consortium

Imagery Exploitation Cell

Imagery Exploitation Center

Incidents, events and complications

Independant ethics committee

Independent Electoral Commission

Independent Electrical Contractors

Independent Ethic Committee

Independent Ethics Committee

Indiana Educational Conference

Individual Employment Contract

Individual Equipment Center

Industrial Electrification Council

Inertial electrostatic confinement

Information and Education Campaign

Information Exchange Center

Information, Education and Communication

Information, education, communication


Infused emitter coupling

Injection electrode catheter

Inpatient exercise center

Institute des Experts Comptables et des Conseillers Fiscaux

Institute of Employment Consultants

Institute of Energy Conversion

Institute of Environmental Chemistry

Institutional Ethics Committee

Integrated Echo Canceller

Integrated Electronic Component

Integrated Electronics Circuit

Integrated Engineering Capability

Integrated Equipment Components

Integration and Evaluation Center

Intelligence Evaluation Committee

Intelligence Exchange Conference

Inter Exchange Carrier

Inter Exchange Carriers

Inter-Exchange Carrier

InterExchange Carrier

Interfering Element Correction

Intergraph Education Center

International Education Center

International Education Centre

International Egg Commission

International Electro-technical commission

International Electrochemical Commission

International Electronics Commission

International Electrontechnical Committeee

International Electrotechnica Commission

International Electrotechnical Comission

International Electrotechnical Commission

International Electrotechnical Commission's

International Electrotechnical Committee

International Electrotechnical Task Force

International Engineering Consortium

International Evaluation Centre

International Executive Council

International Extension College

Internet Engineer Curriculum

Internet Exchange Center

Interstate Electronic Corporation

Interstate Electronics Corporation

Interuniversity Expertise Center

Intestinal epithelial cell

Intestinal epithelial cells

Intraepidermal carcinoma

Intraepidermal carcinoma of skin

Intraepithelial carcinoma

Ion Exchange Chromatography

Ion exclusion chromatography

Ion-Exchange Cell

Ion-exchange chromatographic

Ion-Exchange Chromatography

Ion-Exchange Conference

ISDN Echo Cancellation Circuit

Isotropic Elastic Constant


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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | non-letter

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