About The Abbreviation Or Acronym ICR

Real Dictionary

What does ICR mean? Discover the definition of the acronym or abbreviation ICR at the RealDictionary.com.


ICR Definition
ICR Definition

What's The Definition Of ICR?

The definition of ICR is:

Eagle Aero

Ice Crystal Replicator

Ignitable, corrosive and reactive

Iliac crests

Illinois Central Railroad

Image Copy Recognition

Immediate cutaneous reaction

Immunology Case Registry

Implementation Completion Report

Imprinting control region

In-Circuit Reconfigurable

In-Circuit Reconfiguration

Inception Report

Income-Contingent Repayment

Incoming Call Record

Incomplete Claims Reject

Incorporation rate

Incremental Composition and Reduction

Indirect Control Register

Indirect Cost Rate

Indirect Cost Recovery

Individual Case Review

Inductance, Capacitance and Resistance



IndyCar Racing

Information Clearance Request

Information Collection Request

Information Collection Requests

Information Collection Requirement

Information Collection Rule

Information Control Room

Initial Cell Rate

Initial Concentrated Rubber

Initial Confirmation Review

Injector control room

Input Control Register

Insolvency and creditor rights

Instantaneous center of rotation

Instantaneous centers of rotation

Instantaneous centre of rotation

Institute for Cancer Research

Institute for Cooperative Research

Institute of Cancer Research

Institute of Chemical Research

Institute of Clinical Research

Institute of Cooperative Research

Instruction Change Request

Instrument calibration requirements

Instrument Command Request


Insulin clearance rate

Integrating Contractor Representative

Intel Channel Rebate

Intelligence Collection Requirement

Intelligence Collection Requirements

Intelligent Call Router

Intelligent Call Routing

Intelligent Character Reader

Intelligent Character Recognition

Intensified controlled rolling

Interchromosomal recombination

Intercistronic region

Intercity Relay

InterCooled Recuperated

Interface Change Requests

Interface Compatibility Record

Intermediate Common Room

Intermittent catheter routine

Internal Charges and Recoveries

Internal control region

Internal Control Review

Internal Cost Recovery

International Call Recording

International Commission on Rheology

International Congress of Radiology

International consensus report

International Council for Reprography

International Counsellor-in-Residence

Internet Call Routing

Interrupt Control Register

Interrupt Control Registers

Interstate Central Registry

Intracardiac catheter recording

Intracardiac repair

Intragenic control region

Intrastromal Corneal Ring

Inventory change report

Investigation Continuation Review

Investigative Claims Report

Ion cyclotron resonance

Iron-Core Reactor

Islet Cell Resource Centers

Israel Cancer Registry

More Acronyms & Abbreviations

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | non-letter

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