About The Abbreviation Or Acronym ICE

What does ICE mean? Discover the definition of the acronym or abbreviation ICE at the RealDictionary.com.

ICE Definition |
What's The Definition Of ICE?The definition of ICE is: IBM Certification Exam Ice, compression, elevation Iceberg Iceland Icelandair Icelandic Ichthyosis-cheek-eyebrow Icing Ideal Cabin Environment IED Countermeasures Equipment Ifosfamide, carboplatin and etoposide Ifosfamide/carboplatin/etoposide IGDS Command Environment IL-1 converting enzyme IL-1beta-converting enzyme Illinois Computing Educators Illinois Computing in Education Image Collection and Exploitation Image Composite Editor Image Compression Engine Image Correction and Enhancement Image Correction Enhancement Immediate Cable Equalizer Immediate Cable Equalizers Immigration and Customs Enforcement Immigration and Customs Enforcement's Immigrations and Customs Enforcement Immunocapture enzyme Implicit continuous Eulerian IN CAR ENTERTAINMENT In Case of Emergency In Circuit Emulation In-Circuit Emulation In-Circuit Emulator In-Circuit Emulators In-Circuit-Emulation Incremental cost-effectiveness Independent Cost Estimate Independent Cost Estimates Independent Cost Evaluation Index of Combat Effectiveness Individual Case Evaluations Industrial combustion emissions Industrial Communications Engineers Industrial Control Equipment Infantry Combat Equipment Informant Claims Examiner Information & Content Exchange Information and Content Exchange Information and Content Exhcange Information Center for the Environment Information Communications and Entertainment Information Content and Exchange Information Content Exchange Initial Capability Evaluation Initial Communications Element Inner Circle Elite Innovative Clean Energy INPUT CHECKING EQUIPMENT Input Control Element Insane Creator Enterprises Insertion Communications Equipment Insight Central Europe Institute for Chemical Education Institute for Collaborative Education Institute for Consumer Ergonomics Institute for Continuing Education Institute of Ceramic Engineers Institute of Chartered Engineers Institute of Civil Engineers Institute of Control Engineering Institution of Chemical Engineers Institution of Civil Engineers Instituto Costarriceuse de Electricidad Instructional Computing Environment Instrument Checkout Equipment Instrument Control Electronics Instrument Control Executive Instrument/Communication Equipment Instrumentation & Control Engineering Instrumentation and Control Electronics Instrumentation and Control Engineering Insulated Cable Engineer Insulin control element Integrated Capacity Expansion Integrated Circuit Engineering Integrated clinical encounter Integrated Cluster Environment Integrated Collaborative Engineering Integrated Collaborative Environment Integrated Command Environment Integrated Communications Environment Integrated Communications Equipment Integrated Compression Engine Integrated Computer Environment Integrated Computer Ephemeris Integrated Computing Engines Integrated Computing Environment Integrated Controller Environment Integrated Cooling Engine Integrated Cooling for Electronics Integrated Coolings for Electronics Integrated Cryptographic Engine Integration, codification and evaluation Integrative and conjugative element Intelligence Community Engineering Intelligence computing environment Intelligence Concept Extraction Intelligent Component Expert Intelligent Concept Extraction Interactive collaborative environment Interactive Computer Ephemeris Interactive concurrent engineering Interactive Connectivity Establishment Interactive Cost Estimating Interactive Customer Evaluation Interchangeable Compressed Elements Interchromosomal effect Interchromosomal effects Intercity Express Intercity-Express INTERCONNECT COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT Intercontinentalexchange, Inc. Interdiction Control Element Interessengemeinschaft Endurofahrer Interface Cancellation Equipment Interface Configuration Experiment Interface Control Element Interference Canceling Equalizer Intergovernmental Committee of Experts Interleukin converting enzyme Interleukin-1 beta converting enzyme Interleukin-1 converting enzyme Interleukin-converting enzyme Intermediate Cable Equalizer Internal Combustion Engine Internal Combustion Engines Internal Compiler Error Internal Consistency Evaluator International Challenge for Eclipse International Cirrus Experiment International Clinical Excursions International Collaborative Effort International Collaborative Effort on Injury Statistics International Comet Explorer International Cometary Explorer International Commentary Explorer International Commentary on Evidence International Common Elements International Comparative Education International Congress of Ecology International Congress of Entomology International Cracking Elite International Cryptographic Experiment International Cryptography Experiment Internet Commerce Expo Internet Communications Engine Internet Connections for Engineering Internet Content Exchange Interspecies Correlation Estimation Interval Constraint Engine Interval Control Element Interval Control Elements Intracardiac echocardiographic Intracardiac echocardiography Intractable childhood epilepsy Intrusion Counterermeasures Equipment Intrusion Countermeasure Electronics Intrusion Countermeasure Equipment Intrusion Countermeasures Electronics Intrusion Countermeasures Equipment Inventory Control Effectiveness Ion Chromatography Exclusion Ion Composition Elucidation Iowa Chicago & Eastern Iowa Chicago and Eastern Railroad Corporation Iowa, Chicago and Eastern Iowa, Chicago and Eastern Railroad Irido corneo endothelial syndrome Iridocorneal endothelial Iridocorneal endothelial syndrome Iris Challenge Evaluation ISDN Capacity Enhancement Isolated and confined extreme Isolated Chicken Eye Isolation Characterization Experiment Isoprene Canopy Experiment Isoprene Closure Experiment ISS Characterization Experiment |
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