About The Abbreviation Or Acronym IC

What does IC mean? Discover the definition of the acronym or abbreviation IC at the RealDictionary.com.

IC Definition |
What's The Definition Of IC?The definition of IC is: Between meals Canadian National Railway I see Iain Chalmers ICARUS College Ice Calorimeter Ice Calorimetry Ice Cap Ice cream Ice Crystal Ice crystals Iceland Ichthyosis Ichthyosis congenita ICICI LTD. Icing Condition ICT College Icteric Icterus Identification Code Identity Card Idiopathic constipation Ignition Coil Ignition Component Ignition Control Ignition Current Ileal conduit Ileocecal Iliac crest Iliocostalis Illinois Central Illinois Central Gulf Railroad Illinois Central Railroad Illinois Central Railroad Company Illinois College Illusory correlation Image Coding Image Computer Image Contrast Image Conversion Image Converter Image cytometry Immaculata College Immediate Constituent Immersion Cleaning Immune complex Immune complexes Immunocapture Immunochromatographic Immunochromatography Immunocompetent Immunocomplex Immunocomplexes Immunocompromised Immunoconjugate Immunocytochemical Immunocytochemistry Immunocytology Immunocytoma Immunomagnetic capture Impairment Combination Impedance cardiogram Impedance cardiography Imperata cylindrica Imperial College Impermeable Carbon Implementation Champion Implementation Code Import Certificate Impossible Creatures Impoverished condition Impregnated Cable Impregnated Carbon Impression cytology Imprint cytology Imprinting center Imprinting centre Impulse Conductor In Character In Charge In Command In context In-Cloud In-Cloud Lightning Inactive condition Inbound collect Incentive compensation Incident Command Incident Commander Incident Commanders Incident control Include Call Including channel Inclusion Complex Inclusiveness Committee Incoming Incoming Call Incompetent Cervix Incomplete Combustion Incremental cost Indenture Code Indenture code instruction counter Independence Continuation Independent Carrier Independent Certification Independent Client Indeterminate cells Indeterminate colitis Index cases Index Catalog Index Catalogue Index of contractility Index of curvature Indian Airlines Indicator Code Indicator Control Indifference Curve Indigo Carmine Indio Charter Indirect calorimetry Indirect Cost Indirect Costs Indirect Cycle Individual cage Individual cages Individual Combatant Individual Consideration Individual Consultants Individual Contributor Individual counseling Indole-3-carbinol Induced Current Inductance capacitance Induction chemotherapy Induction Coil Induction of mN1 Industrial Chemist Industrial Control Industrialized country Industry Canada Industry Commission Industry Committee Inelastic Collision Inertial cavitation Inertial Component Infantile colic Infantry Commander Infection control Infectious center Infectious centers Infectious colitis Infectious coryza Inferior Cardiac Inferior collicular Inferior colliculi Inferior colliculus Inferred by Curator Infiltrating carcinoma Infinite Campus Infinity Control Inflammatory cells Inflammatory cytokines Information and communication Information and Control Information Campaign Information Center Information Centre Information Channel Information Circular Information Clearinghouse Information Code Information Coefficient Information Collection Information component Informed Consent Infranet Controller Infrared Cell Infrastructure Committee Infrastructure Consortium Infusional chemotherapy Inhaled corticosteroid Inhaled corticosteroids Inhibiting concentration Inhibitory concentration Initial Cell Initial Claim Initial condition Initial Configuration Initial Operation Capability Initiation complex Injection Injection Cooling Injured left cortex Inlet Chamber Inner canthal Inner Circle Inner City Inner cortex Inner cortical Innovation Center Inorganic carbon Inorganic Chemical Inorganic Chemistry Inorganic Component Input circuit Input Context Input Controller Inscribed Circle Inside Centre Insitute of Counselling Inspection chamber Inspiratory capacity Inspiratory center Installable Command Installation Center Installation contractor Installed Capacity Installed cost Institut Curie Institute and Center Institute of Ceramics Institute of Chemistry Institute or Center Institute/Center Institutional care Institutional Characteristics Instruction cache Instruction card Instruction Cell Instruction Code Instruction counter Instruction Cycle Instruction Fetch Cycle Instructional Component Instructor Consent Instrument Calibration Instrument Carrier Instrument Cluster Instrument Controller Instrument Correction Insular carcinoma Insular cortex Insulated Ceiling Insulated Conductor Insulated Conductors Insurance Commission Insurance Component Insurance Coordinator Intact control Integral Control Integrated circuit Integrated Circuits Integrated Codes Integrated con-tractor Integrated concentration Integrated concentrations Integrated Configuration Integrated Contractor Integrated Controller Integrating Concept Integrating contractor Integration Cell Integration Committee Integration Complete Integration Contractor Integration Cycle Integrity Check Intellectual Capital Intelligence Center Intelligence Collection Intelligence Community Intelligence Community's Intelligence Correlation Intelligent Color Intelligent Control Intelligent Copier Intensive care Intensive chemotherapy Inter-Core Inter-Exchange Carrier Inter-LATA Carrier Interaction coefficient Interaction Constant Intercalated Intercalated cells Intercalated region Intercalation Compound Intercalatus Intercalatus spinalis Intercellular Intercellular communication Intercept Intercept controller Interceptor Command Interchange Carrier Interchange Center Interchangeability Code Intercity Intercom Intercom Channel Intercommunications Intercomputer Communication Intercondylar Interconnect Interconnection Charge InterCooler Intercostal Intercrystalline Corrosion Interdepartmental Charges Interexchange Carrier Interexchange Carriers Interface Card Interface Certification Interface Composition INTERFACE CONTROL Interference Cancellation Interference Color Interference Contrast Interference currents Interference-Causing Intergovernmental Council Intergranular Corrosion INTERGRATED CIRCUIT Intergroup Coordination Interim Change Interim control Interior Communication Interior Communications InterLATA Carrier Interlock Code Intermediate care Intermediate chain Intermediate compartment Intermediate Coupling Intermediate Course Intermediate Cross-Connect Intermetallic Compound Interministerial Committee Intermittent catheterisation Intermittent catheterization Intermittent claudication Internal Calibration Internal Calorimeter Internal capsule Internal cardioversion Internal carotid Internal carotid artery Internal combustion Internal Communications Internal Computer Internal conjugate Internal Connection Internal Control Internal Controls Internal conversion Internal cooling Internal Coordinate International Center International Channel International Classification International Club International College International Colloquium International Committee International community International Conference International cooperation International Council Internet Connector Internment camp INTERRUPT CODE Interrupt controller Interrupted Current Interrupting capacity Interspecies Communication Interstate Compact Interstitial cell Interstitial cells Interstitial cells of Cajal Interstitial cystitis Interstitial nucleus of Cajal Intervention communities Interventional cardiology Intestinal contents Intra-Coporate Intrabony component Intracameral Intracamerally Intracanalicular Intracardiac Intracarotid Intracavernosal Intracavernous Intracavitary Intracellular Intracellular domain Intracerebral Intracerebrally Intracisternal Intracisternally Intracloud IntraCluster Intracoronary Intracorporeal Intracortical Intracranial Intracranially Intracutaneous Intracutaneous injection Intracytoplasmic Intraoperative cholangiography Intraoperative cytology Intravascular coagulation Intrinsic Conductance Intrinsic Conduction Intrinsic Conductivity Invasive cancer Invasive candidiasis Invasive carcinoma Invasive carcinomas Inventory Control Inverse Conduction Invested Capital Investing cell Investment Cast Investment Category Investment Commission Investment Committee Investment Cost Investment Council Investment Counsellor Invited Country Inward Bill Collection IOC Chamber Ion chamber Ion Channeling Ion Chromatogram Ion chromatograph Ion chromatographic Ion Chromatography Ion Collection Ion Collector Ion Composition Ion Conductor Ion Counter Ion-exchange chromatography Iona College Ionic Charge Ionic Compound Ionic Conductance Ionic Conduction Ionic Conductor Ionic Crystal Ionic Current Ionization chamber Ionized calcium Iothalamate clearance Iowa City Ipsilateral cortex Iris-ciliary Irish Concern Irrigation Consultant Irritable colon Ischaemic cardiopathy Ischemic cardiomyopathy Ischemic cardiopathy Ischemic colitis Ischemic contracture Ischemic control Ischemic cortex Ischiocavernosus Islamic Culture Islands of Calleja Islet cells Isochronous Cyclotron Isolated condition Isolation condenser Isometric contraction Isovolumic contraction Ithaca College Ivory Coast |
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