About The Abbreviation Or Acronym HS
What does HS mean? Discover the definition of the acronym or abbreviation HS at the RealDictionary.com.
HS Definition |
What's The Definition Of HS?The definition of HS is: At bedtime Bedtime H and S Railroad Company Incorporated H. Schleifmann Haber syndrome Habitual snoring Hadron Structure Haemophagocytic syndrome Haemophilic synovitis Haemorrhagic septicaemia Haemorrhagic shock Haemorrhagic stroke HALE SCHOOL Half Session Half strength Half-scan Half-Subtract Halinda School Hallopeau-Siemens Hamilton School Hammond School Hamstring Hand Set Hand Stamp Hand Surgery Hand-sewn Handle Screw HandSets Hanford specifications Hanford Square Hanke-Sham Harbourside Hard Sector Hard Solder Hard-shelled Hard-sphere Hardness of Substrate Harker School Harley School Harmonic Scaling Harmonic Scalpel Harmonised System Harmonized Schedule Harmonized Standards Harmonized System Harmony School Harper School Hartford & Slocomb Hartford and Slocomb Railroad Hartland School Hartmann solution Hartmann-Shack Hashin and Shtrikman Hatch Style HAVE STARE Havenlee School Havenwyck School Haverford School Hawken School Haworth Synthesis Hazardous Substance Head shakes Head shot Head sling Head start Headquarters and Service Headspace Headspace Sampler Health and Safety Health Service Health Services Health statistics Health status Health study Health surveillance Healthspring, Inc. Healthy control subjects Healthy smokers Healthy Steps Healthy subject Healthy subjects Heart sounds Heat of Sublimation Heat Seal Heat Sensitivity Heat Shield Heat shock Heat Sink Heat source Heat Stabilizer Heat storage Heat Strengthened Heat stress Heat stroke Heat Switch Heat-Sensitive Heat-shocked Heat-stable Heat-stressed Heating Surface Heavy Section Heavy smoker Heavy smokers Heavy subunit Hegglin syndrome Heidenreich-Shockley Heights School Helical Scan Helical stack Helicopter antisubmarine warfare squadron Helicopter Squadron Helium Spectrometer Helix School Hellenic Ship Hellp syndrome Hematopoietic stem Heme synthetase Hemispherectomy Hemophagocytic syndrome Hemorrhagic septicemia Hemorrhagic shock Hemorrhagic stroke Hemorrhagic syndrome Hemosorption Hemostasis Henbury School Heparan sulfate Heparan sulfate chains Heparan sulfates Heparan sulphate Heparan sulphates Heparin sulfate Heparin-Sepharose Hepatic steatosis Hepatitis-splenomegaly Hepatosplenic Herald Sun Herding Started Hereditary spherocytosis Heritage Cherry Sunburst Heritage School Hermetic Seal Herpes simplex Heterogeneous stock Heterogeneous stocks Heterogeneous strain Heterogenous stock Heuristic Search Hewitt School Hexasaccharide Hi-Stakes Hibiscus sabdariffa Hidradenitis suppurativa Hierarchically Structured High School High sensitivity High Shear High Silicon High sodium High Solar High Speed High Spot High Stability High Standard High Strain High Strength High Structure High sucrose High sulfur High-salt High-salt diet High-set High-spin High-starch High-Stimulation Highland School Highlands School Highly Sensitive Highly Stable Hiking Strap Hilbert Space Hill School Hillcrest School Hindlimb suspended Hindlimb suspension Hinged seat Hippocampal sclerosis Hippocampal system Hirosaki sarcoma Hirsutine Histamine Histamine sensitization Histamine sensitizing Histiocyte Society Histiocytic sarcoma Histochemical Society Histological score Historia Scientiarum Historic Scotland Historical Studies History of Science Hoboken Shore railroad Hockaday School Holden School Holderness School Holding Structure Holiday Special Holland Spoor Hollow section Hollow Sphere Holmstead School Holocaust Survivors Holographic Stereogram Holroyd School Home Service Home Station Home study Home surgeon Homeland security Homelessness Strategy/Housing Strategy Homemaker Services Homing single-unit Homogeneous substance Homologous Series Homologous serum Homosexuals Hoop Strain Hoop Stress Hoosac School Hope School Hopelessness Scale HopeTown School Hopevale School Hopkins School Hora somni Horizon Scanner Horizon School Horizon Sensor Horizontal shear Horizontal sliding Horizontal Spectrometer Horizontal Stabilization Horizontal Stabilizer Horizontal switch Horizontal Sync Horizontal system Horizontally selective Horner syndrome Horner's Syndrome Horse serum Hospital Ship Hospital staff Hospital stay Host System Host to Satellite Hot saline Hot saline extract Hot Spot Hot Spring Hot Stage Hotchkiss School Hour of Sleep Hours of sleep Housatonic Southern, Hartford and Slocomb Railroad, H and S Railroad House House service House Surgeon Houston Howe and Smith Huang Scattering Hubbard-Stratonowich Hudson School Hughes Satellite Human serum Human Service Human Services Human skin Human Studies Human-specific Humic substance Humic Substances Hunger sensation Huntington School Hurler syndrome Hurler's syndrome Hutchison School Hybrid sign Hyde School Hydraulic System Hydrazine sulfate Hydride Shift Hydrofoil Ship Hydrogen Spectrum Hydrogen Storage Hydrogen sulfide Hydrographic Society Hydroxylamine Sulfate Hyperbolic secant Hypereosinophilic syndrome Hyperperfusion syndrome Hyperplastic scar Hypersensitive Hypersensitive site Hypersensitive sites Hypersensitivity Hypersensitivity syndrome Hyperspace HyperSpectral Hypertonic saline Hypertonic saline solution Hypertonic stress Hypertrophic scar Hypertrophic scars Hypobaric sedentary Hypochondriasis Hyposensitization Hypothalamic stimulation Hypothalamic syndrome Hypothalamus Hysteroscopy Hysterosonography |
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