About The Abbreviation Or Acronym HFS

Real Dictionary

What does HFS mean? Discover the definition of the acronym or abbreviation HFS at the RealDictionary.com.


HFS Definition
HFS Definition

What's The Definition Of HFS?

The definition of HFS is:

Hair follicles

Hand-foot syndrome

Hardware functionality scan


Health and Family Services

Health Fitness Specialist

Helper factor supernates

Hemifacial spasm

Henry Frederick Stanley Morgan

Hierachical File System

Hierarchical File Storage

Hierarchical File System

High Fidelity Simulator

High Fidelity Sound

High-fat sucrose

High-Fidelity Simulator

High-Field Superconductor

High-frequency electrical stimulation

High-Frequency Sparking

High-frequency stimulation

High-Frequency System

High-performance File System

Holy Family School

Holy Fucking Shit

Hoos for Startups

Horizontal Flight Simulator

Hospital Financial Support

Host File System

Hot flashes

HotFax Share

Housing Flow Statistics

Human dermal fibroblasts

Human Factor System

Human Factors Society

Human fibroblasts

Hyperfine splitting

Hyperfine structure

Hypothetical Future Samples

Hypoxic fractions

IATA code for French Frigate Shoals Airport, Tern Island, French Frigate Shoals, Hawaii, United States

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