About The Abbreviation Or Acronym HFA

Real Dictionary

What does HFA mean? Discover the definition of the acronym or abbreviation HFA at the RealDictionary.com.


HFA Definition
HFA Definition

What's The Definition Of HFA?

The definition of HFA is:

Haemophilia Foundation Australia

Hageman factor

Hair follicle afferent

Hard Fiber Association

Harry Fox Agency

Hartree-Fock Approximation

Health Facility Assessment

Health For All

Health Funding Authority


Helsinki Final Act

Hemifacial atrophy

Henry Ford Academy

Hepatic falciform artery


Hexafluoroacetone trihydrate

Hierarchical Foreign Agent

High Field Approximation

High Flow Alarm

High Frequency Accelerometer

High Functioning Autism

High-Frequency Accelerometer

High-Frequency Amplifier

High-Frequency Antenna

High-frequency audiometry

High-functioning autism

Hill Farming Allowance

Holy Family Academy

Home for Adults

Hot Flow Anomalies

Human factors analysis

Human Factors Applications, Inc.

Human Factors Assessment

Human fetal adrenal

Human fetal astrocytes


Humic and fulvic acids

Humphrey Field Analyser

Humphrey Field Analyzer


Hydrofluoric acid



Hydrologic field assistant

Hydroxy fatty acid

Hypoglossal-facial anastomosis

Hypoglossal-facial nerve anastomosis

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