About The Abbreviation Or Acronym HCI

Real Dictionary

What does HCI mean? Discover the definition of the acronym or abbreviation HCI at the RealDictionary.com.


HCI Definition
HCI Definition

What's The Definition Of HCI?

The definition of HCI is:

Hairy cell index

Handgun Control Incorporated

Handgun Control, Inc.

Hardened Control Item

Hardness Critical Item

Hardness Critical Items

Hardness-Critical Item

Hardware Computer Interface

Hardware Configuration Item

Health Care on the Internet

Health Commons Institute

Heavy chain

Heme-controlled translational inhibitor

Hemin-controlled translational inhibitor

Hereditary Cancer Institute

High Council of Informatics

Highes Communications, Inc

Highly charged ion

Honeywell Communications Interface

Horizon Crossing Indicator

Horizontal condylar inclination

Host Command Interface

Host Computer Interface


Host Controller Interface

Hot carrier injection

Hughes Communications Inc.

Hughes Communications, Inc

Human and Computer Interface

Human collagenase inhibitor

Human Computer Interaction

Human Computer Interface

Human Computer Interfaces

Human to Computer Interfaces

Human-Computer Interaction

Human-Computer Interface

Humanitarian Coordinator for Iraq

Hwa Chong Institution

Hydrochloric acid


Hydrogen Chloride

Hylleraas Configuration Interaction

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