About The Abbreviation Or Acronym HAD

Real Dictionary

What does HAD mean? Discover the definition of the acronym or abbreviation HAD at the RealDictionary.com.


HAD Definition
HAD Definition

What's The Definition Of HAD?

The definition of HAD is:

Air D'Ayiti

Hair deformation

Half Amplitude Duration

Half-amplitude duration

Haloacid dehalogenase

Hard Amber Durum

Hardware Allocation Document

Hardware architecture document

Hardware Data Acquisition

Hazard assessment document

Health Administration Service

Health Assessment Document

Heat Acquisition Devices

Heat activating device

Heat Actuated Device

Heat-Actuated Device



Hereditary antithrombin deficiency

Hexamethylenamine, adriamycin, ddp

High aluminum defect


High-Altitude Density

High-Availability Daemon

Historical Astronomy Division

HIV-1-associated dementia

HIV-associated dementia

Hole Accumulated Diode

Hole Accumulation Diode

Hollow anode discharge

Home Aircraft Depot

Hospital administrator

Hospital anxiety and depression

Hospital anxiety and depression scale

Hospital Anxiety Depression

Hospital Anxiety Depression scale

Human adenovirus

Human adenoviruses

Human adjuvant disease

Hunan aqueous drainage

Hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase

Hyperactivity Disorder

IATA code for Harford Field, Casper, Wyoming, United States

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