About The Abbreviation Or Acronym GTE

Real Dictionary

What does GTE mean? Discover the definition of the acronym or abbreviation GTE at the RealDictionary.com.


GTE Definition
GTE Definition

What's The Definition Of GTE?

The definition of GTE is:

Gépipari Tudományos Egyesület

Gas Turbine Enclosure

Gas Turbine Engine

Gas Turbine Engineer

Gas Turbine Engines

General Telegraph and Electric

General Telephone and Electic

General Telephone and Electric

General Telephone and Electronics

General Telephone Electronics

GEODSS Transportable Era

Geometry Transfer Engine

Global Troposphere Experiment

Global Tropospheric Experiment

Global Tropospheric Experiments

GlobeTel Communications Corp

Government Technical Evaluator

Government Test Equipment

Greater than or equal

Green tea

Green tea extract

Green tea extracts

Ground Test Equipment

Ground Threat Emitter

Ground Transport Equipment

Group Translating Equipment

Grout treatment equipment

IATA code for Quinn Field, Gothenburg, Nebraska, United States

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