About The Abbreviation Or Acronym GEP

Real Dictionary

What does GEP mean? Discover the definition of the acronym or abbreviation GEP at the RealDictionary.com.


GEP Definition
GEP Definition

What's The Definition Of GEP?

The definition of GEP is:


Gene expression profiling

General Education Program

General Electric Capital Corporation

General Enrollment Period

General Equipment Park

General Equivalence Point

General Export Permit

Generic Envelope Parameter

Generic Event Processor

Generic Plan

Genetically epilepsy-prone

Gifted Education Programme

Global Equity Partners

Global Exchange Programme

Goddard Experiment Package

Good Engineering Practice

Good engineering practices

Good Epidemiology Practice

Gradient Extremal Path

Graduate education program

Graduate Enterprise Programme

Graduate Extension Programme

Granulin/epithelin precursor

Grasslands Ecology Program

Great editing in progress

Ground Entry Point

GTP exchange protein

Guanine nucleotide-exchange protein

Gustatory evoked potential

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