About The Abbreviation Or Acronym GEOS

Real Dictionary

What does GEOS mean? Discover the definition of the acronym or abbreviation GEOS at the RealDictionary.com.


GEOS Definition
GEOS Definition

What's The Definition Of GEOS?

The definition of GEOS is:

General Earthquake Observation System

Genetically Engineered Organisms

Geo-Orbital Environmental Satellite

Geodetic and Earth Orbiting Satellite

Geodetic Earth Orbiting Satellite

GEodetic Orbiting Satellite

Geodetic Satellite

Geodynamic Experimental Ocean Satellite

Geodynamics Experimental Ocean Satellite

Geomagnetic Earth Observation System


Geosciences group

Geostationary Earth Orbit Satellite

Geostationary Earth-Orbiting Satellite

Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite

Geostationary Satellite

Geosynchonous Earth orbits

Geosynchronous Earth Observation System

Geosynchronous Earth Orbit Satellite

Geoworks Operating System

Glasgow Epilepsy Outcome Scale

Global Earth Observing System

Global Educational Opportunities And Services

Global Entity Ordering System

Goddard Earth Observation System

Goddard Earth Observing System

Goddard EOS

Graphic Environment Operating System


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