About The Abbreviation Or Acronym FWS

Real Dictionary

What does FWS mean? Discover the definition of the acronym or abbreviation FWS at the RealDictionary.com.


FWS Definition
FWS Definition

What's The Definition Of FWS?

The definition of FWS is:

Fachnormenausschuß Werkzeuge and Spannzeuge

Fast wave sleep

Fastest walking speed

Fault Warning Systems

Federal Wage Schedule

Federal Wage System

Federal Wage Systems

Federal Work Study

Federal Work-Study

Field Work Supervisors

Fielding Win Shares

Fighter Weapons School

Filter wedge spectrometer

Filtered Water System

Fire water service

Fish and Wildlife Service

Flexible Work Schedule

Flight and Weapons Simulation

Flight and Weapons Simulator

Flight Warning System

Flight Weapon Simulator

Folding White Space

Forgotten Wars Studios

Fourier-Walsh Series

Free water surface

Freeway space

IATA code for Fort Worth Spinks Airport, Fort Worth, Texas, United States

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