About The Abbreviation Or Acronym FV

What does FV mean? Discover the definition of the acronym or abbreviation FV at the RealDictionary.com.

FV Definition |
What's The Definition Of FV?The definition of FV is: Aircraft speed correction factor Face velocity Factor V Factors V Failure Verification Fair Value Fallout value Family Violence Fasciculoventricular Fasting volume Femoral vein Femoral venous Femtovolt Fenvalerate Fertile Vibes Fetal vaccinia Fever virus Fiber volley Fiber Volume Fibroma virus Field Validation Fighting Vehicle Filiform virus Fill valve Filling volume Film and Video Final Value Financial Visibility Finite Valume Finite Volume First Virtual Fishing vessel FITS viewer Flash Vaporization Flexural Vibration Flight Vehicle Flight Version Float Valve Floodable Volume Floor valve Flounder Virus Flow velocities Flow velocity Flow-volume Fluid Volume Fluvastatin Flux Value Foamy virus Foamy viruses Folio Verso Follicular variant Fomede virus Food vacuole Force-velocity Forced Vibration Forebrain vesicle Foreline Valve Fractional velocity Fragment variable Fraser Valley Free Valence Free Vibration Free Volume Frequency-volume Friend leukemia virus Friend retrovirus Friend virus Friend virus complex Frog virus Front View Fruit and vegetable Fuel vent Full Voltage Functional Validation Functional Verification Funnel Viscosity Future Value Pulkovo Aviation Enterprise Rossiya |
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