About The Abbreviation Or Acronym FMI

Real Dictionary

What does FMI mean? Discover the definition of the acronym or abbreviation FMI at the RealDictionary.com.


FMI Definition
FMI Definition

What's The Definition Of FMI?

The definition of FMI is:

Factory Mutual International

Failure mode identification

Failure Mode Indicator

Fat mass index

Fermilab Main Injector

Ferritic Malleable Iron

Fetal movement index

FFFailure Mode Indicator

Field manual interim

Financial Management Initiative

Finnish Meteorological Institute

First Marine International

Fixed Mobile Integration


Focus Mission Interferometer

Fondo Monetario Internacional

Fonds monétaire international

Food Marketing Institute

Foods and Moods Inventory

For Materials Ingenuity

For More Information

Force Module Identifier

Formation Microimager Log

Fourier-Mellin Invariant


Frequency Modulation Intercity

Fujitsu Microelectronics Inc.

Function Management Interface

Functional Management Inspection

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