About The Abbreviation Or Acronym FMA

Real Dictionary

What does FMA mean? Discover the definition of the acronym or abbreviation FMA at the RealDictionary.com.


FMA Definition
FMA Definition

What's The Definition Of FMA?

The definition of FMA is:

Fabricators and Manufacturers Association

Facilities Maintenance Augmentation

Facility Managers Association

Factory Materials Association

Failure Mode Analysis

Failure-mode analysis

Family Member Appointment

Fan Manufacturers Association

Fast Matrix Architecture

FDDI Medium Adapter

Federal Managers Association

Federal Maritime Administration

Federal Marriage Amendment

Federated Management Architecture

Fellow, Museums Association

Fertilizer Manufacturers Association

FFField Modification Activity


Field Maintenance Agent

Field modification activity

File Migration Agent

Final Monitor Aid

Financial Management Act

Financial Management Advisor

Financial Management and Accountability

Financial Management and Analysis

Financial Management System

Finnish Medical Association

First Market Application

Fixed MPAC Adapter

Fixed-Mount Antenna

Fleet Maintenance Activities

Fleet Maintenance Activity

Fleet Maintenance Agent

Flexicore Manufacturers Association

Flight Mechanic Airframes

Flight Mode Announciator

Flight Mode Annunciation

Flight Mode Annunciations

Flight Mode Annunciator

Flood Mitigation Assistance

Floodplain Management Association

Florida Medical Association

Flow management area

Fluorescein Mercuric Acetate

Food Machinery Association

Foreign Materiel Acquisition

Foreign Media Analysis

Foreign Military Acquisition

Forest Management Area

Forest Management Areas

Forward Maintenance Area

Foundational Model of Anatomy

Fracture mechanics assembly

Fragment Mass Analyzer

Fragrance Materials Association

FRAMES Multiple Access

France Matif Automatique

Free Mineral Acidity

Fugl-Meyer Assessment

Fugl-Meyer Motor Assessment

Full Metal Alchemist

Functional motor activity

Fused Multiply Add

Fused Multiply-Add

Future Mailing Address

Salesian Sisters of Don Bosco

More Acronyms & Abbreviations

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | non-letter

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