About The Abbreviation Or Acronym ESN

Real Dictionary

What does ESN mean? Discover the definition of the acronym or abbreviation ESN at the RealDictionary.com.


ESN Definition
ESN Definition

What's The Definition Of ESN?

The definition of ESN is:

ECS Science Network

Educationally Sub-Normal

Educationally subnormal

Egyptian Society of Nephrology

Electronic Security Number

Electronic Serial Number

Electronic Serial Numbers

Electronic Switched Network

Electronic Switching Network

Emergency Service Number

Emergency Services Number

Engine serial number

English Speaking Nation

English Speaking Nations

Enhanced Services Network

Enriched semantic network

Enterprise Service Network

Enterprise Storage Network

Entertainment and Sports Network


Equipment Serial Number

Erasmus Student Network

Essential Services Node

Estrogen-stimulated neurophysin

Euro Sun

European Science Notes

European Society for Nematologists

Exposed seronegative

Extended Sequence Number

External Service Node

External Social Networking

IATA code for Easton/Newnam Field, Easton, Maryland, United States

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