About The Abbreviation Or Acronym ESM

Real Dictionary

What does ESM mean? Discover the definition of the acronym or abbreviation ESM at the RealDictionary.com.


ESM Definition
ESM Definition

What's The Definition Of ESM?

The definition of ESM is:

Early Science and Medicine

Earth Science Museum

Earth System Model

Earth Systematic Missions

Earth Systems Model

Eastern Surf Magazine

Eastman School of Music

Ecole Spéciale Militaire

Eggshell membrane

Ejection systolic murmur

Elastomeric Shield Material

Electrocortical stimulation mapping

Electromagnetic Support Measure

Electronic Security Measures

Electronic Sensor Measures

Electronic service manual

Electronic Steering Module

Electronic Support Measure

Electronic Support Measures

Electronic Surveillance Measure

Electronic Surveillance Measures

Electronic Warfare Support Measure

Electronic Warfare Support Measures

Electronic-warfare Support Measures

Electronics Support Measures

Electronics Support Module

Element and Subnetwork Manager

Embedded Server Management

Embedded Syslog Manager

Embedded System Manager

Emission Sensing Monitor

Endolymphatic stromal myosis

Endoscopic specular microscope

Energy Storage Module

Engine Shop Manual

Engineering Safety Management

Engineering Scab Melter

Engineering Service Memorandum

Engineering, Science and Mathematics

Engineers and Scientists of Milwaukee

Enhanced System Manager

Enterprise Security Management

Enterprise Security Manager

Enterprise Service Management

Enterprise Storage Management

Enterprise Storage Manager

Enterprise System Management

Enterprise Systems Management

Enterprise Systems Monitoring

Entire System Management

Environmental sensor monitor

Environmental Survey Manual

Environmental Systems Monitor

EOD Server Manager

Equipment Support Manager

Equipment Support Module

Equivalent Standard Minute

Equivalent System Mass

Erbium Strontium Manganate

Error Satisfaction Method

EServer Manager

Ethernet Switching Module


European Satellite Multimedia

European Society for Microcirculation

Everyplace Synchronization Manager

EW Support Measure

EW Support Measures

Exchange System Manager

Experience Sampling Method

Experience Sampling Methodology

Experiment Service Module

Experiment Software Manager

Experiment Support Module

Exploration Securities Market

Exponential-Series Method

Extended Subscriber Module

Extended System Model

External Sanity Monitor

External Storage Module

Extraordinary Shareholders Meeting

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