About The Abbreviation Or Acronym EPR

Real Dictionary

What does EPR mean? Discover the definition of the acronym or abbreviation EPR at the RealDictionary.com.


EPR Definition
EPR Definition

What's The Definition Of EPR?

The definition of EPR is:

Early phase reaction

Early phase response

Early progressive resistance

Early-phase reaction

Earnings Price Ratio

Earth Potential Rise

East Pacific Rise

Education in Personal Relationships

Education Policy and Reform

Effective poor radius

Effective Production Rate

Effective Programme Review

Einstein, Podolsky and Rosen


Electon paragmagnetic resonance

Electrical Pressure Regulator

Electrochem. potentiodynamic reactivation

Electrochemical Potentiochemical Reactivation

Electrochemical potentiokinetic reactivation

Electrochemical potentiometer reactivation

Electron paramagentic resonance

Electron paramagnetic

Electron Paramagnetic Resonance

Electron paramagnetic resonance method

Electron paramagnetic resonance spectrometry

Electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy

Electron Paramagnetic Response

Electron paramagnetic spectroscopy

Electron Proton Resonance

Electron spin resonance

Electronic paramagnetic resonance

Electronic Patient Record

Electronic Patient Records

Electronic Planning and Research

Electronic prescription record

Electrophrenic respiration

Emergency Preparedness and Response

Employee personnel

Employee placement report

End Project Report

Energy production rate

Engine Power Ratio

Engine pressure ratio

Engineering Peer Review

Engineering planning request

Engineering Purchase Request

Enhanced permeability and retention

Enlisted Performance Report

Entertainment Properties Trust

Environmental Permitting Regulations

Environmental Polymorphism Registry

Environmental Program Requirements




Equipment Performance Report

Equipment problem report

Equivalent Parallel Resistance

Error Pattern Register

Erythrocyte production rate

Erythropoietin receptor

Essential Performance Requirements

Ethylene Propylene Rubber

Ethylene-propylene elastomers

Ethylene-propylene Resin

Ethylene-propylene rubber

European Passive Reactor

European Pressurized Reactor

Evaporator Pressure Regulator

Exercise pressor reflex

Exhaust Pressure Ratio

Exhaust Pressure Regulator

Experimental power reactor

Extended Planning Annex

Extended Polluter Responsibility

Extended Product Responsibility

External Program Review

Extracellular proteinase

IATA code for Esperance Airport, Esperance, Australia

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