About The Abbreviation Or Acronym EOD

What does EOD mean? Discover the definition of the acronym or abbreviation EOD at the RealDictionary.com.

EOD Definition |
What's The Definition Of EOD?The definition of EOD is: Early onset disease Early-onset depression Early-onset diabetes Electric organ discharge Electric organ discharges Electro-Optic Developments Electro-Optical Disk Elimination of discharge End of data End of Day End Of Debate End of Dialing End Of Discussion End of Document End Office Display End-organ damage Engine Output Data Engineering Operations Division Entertainment on Demand Entrance on Duty Entry on duty Environmental Observation Division Environmental Operations Division Epoch of Date Equal Opportunities Division Erasable Optical Disk Erasable Optical Disks Eraseble Optical Disc Erie Ordnance Depot Estimated on Dock Estimated Operational Date Every other day Every-other-day Every-other-day schedule Everything on Demand Explosion Ordnance Disposal Explosive Ordinance Disposal Explosive ordnance detachment Explosive Ordnance Detail Explosive Ordnance Device Explosive Ordnance Disposal Explosives Ordnance Disposal Explosives Ordnance Division Extended Observation Bed Extent of disease Eyes open in the dark |
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